
Responses from rlwainwright

Afro-Cuban Jazz
Digging way back, look up the group Osibisa, they were an outstanding but little known band from the mid 70s...http://www.osibisa.co.uk/osibisa.html-RW- 
Flat screens?
I just bought a 32" Vizio LCD for my bedroom and I'm quite happy with it. But your needs are somewhat different. 55dok gave you good solid advice. I'd tend to go with Panasonic or Samsung LCD for your setup, unless cost is no object. If that is tr... 
Best universal player under 1k used?
Denon 3910 is a good choice for around $450-500. 5910s can be had for about $100 more.-RW- 
Best stereo recievers of the 1970's?
Tandberg 2075 and 2080 - superb receivers. McIntosh receivers were awesome, too. And the Bang and Olufsen's were works of art that sounded quite good. Revox had a great one, too.For more consumer-oriented gear, Harman/Kardon produced a series that... 
Subwoofer connection question
Go to Radio Shack (or WalMart, etc.) and buy an RCA "Y" adapter. This will have 2 RCA male connectors on one end and 1 RCA male connector on the other end - should cost about $3.00. I'll leave it to you to figure out how it should be connected fro... 
Gallo Ref 3's for musician?
Mr Pogue, of course, is right. I did not mean to disparage tube gear. His system sounds spectacular, better than mine as a matter of fact. He is driving the 2nd voice coil, using a Gallo Sub Amp, to very good effect.So, looks like the Refs sound g... 
Gallo Ref 3's for musician?
Chazz is right about the Gallos loving current. Mine are mated to H/K Signature separates: 2.1 amp with 2.0 preamp. Amp kicks out 100 wpc into 8 0hms, 150 into 4 ohms. But it has MASSIVE current, +- 100 amps. I bought the amp for right around $500... 
ARCAM + WILSON Sophia review
"For anyone that is thinking of plunking down massive amounts of cash on source equipment/cables, please consider spending the bulk on the speakers... it'll make all the difference!"Bravo! Smartest post of the day!! IMHO, at least 50% of the budge... 
Zu Druids low powered tube amp or high powered SS?
Ummm, have you tried hooking them up to your other amps???-RW- 
Gallo Ref 3's for musician?
I second the Gallos. In fact, Mr. Pogue is the one who got me addicted to the damn things. I now have a pair of the Ref 3s, a pair of the Ref AVs, and 3 Dues. The do throw a very wide and deep soundstage and are exceedingly musical. Used prices ar... 
What kind of UPS collect experience is out there?
Elizabeth wrote:"Sometimes I think buyers want "collect' payment so they have time to find the cash they do not have when the say they will buy it."Yeah, and sometimes the buyer is concerned that he has sent a complete stranger a wad of cash with ... 
Speaker Recomendations $3000
Gallo Ref 3s, best 3k speaker there is...-RW- 
Hypothetical - CD or SACD Player?
Why not have both? A gently used Denon 5910 can be had within your budget. You could also get a modded 3910 for the same bucks.http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlplay&1196975244ORhttp://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlplay&1197... 
Audiophile Quality 2 Channel DVD Audio?
Here's another recommendation for the Denon 3910. A superb player for very little money. Gently used ones are selling for $450+ on Audiogon - this is a smokin' deal.-RW- 
Headphone suggestions
I'm surprised no recommendations for the Sennheiser 580, 600, or 650s. These are all VERY comfortable headphones with non-fatiguing sound. There's a set of 580s for sale here for $125 right now. I have 2 sets of the 580s and love 'em...-RW-