
Responses from rlwainwright

Top 5 guitar jams
"Who Do You Love" - Quicksilver Messenger Service"Curve" - The Mermen: Live at Maritime Hall, 1999-03-27"Intro To Sweet Jane" - Lou Reed Rock 'n' Roll Animal"Jessica" - Allman Bros. Band"Little Wing" - Steve Kimock 
Sell Hi-Fi and invest in stock market?
Getting your financial advice from an audio website has got to be one of the dumber things you could do. You'd be better off getting audio advice on a financial website...-RW- 
Best surround processor for $1500 or less
Kal mentioned Emotiva. The UMC-1 that they are about to release is going to embarrass quite a few high-end processors. Check out this link, and be sure to scroll to the bottom to see just how much processor you can buy for $699 - whoa!http://emoti... 
What will slap around
I used to sell the Spendors back in the day. They had that typical British sound with great mid-range and a narrow sweet-spot. Great speakers, all in all. You said you wanted to try something "different". Have you auditioned the Gallo Reference 3.... 
Power consumption
On the back of each piece (usually near the power cord) you'll see the power consumption in watts of that piece. Add those up and you have your baseline #. No manual needed.-RW- 
Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around
Why not have both? Check into the Butler Audio TDB-2250, 250 watts/ch. of tube/MOSFET hybrid magic!-RW- 
EAC How do I burn?
EAC can burn the CD, here's how:1) From the Main Menu, choose Tools > Write CDR. This will cause a window called CD Layout Editor to be displayed.2) Drag and drop the files to be burned into this wondow.3) Then choose Write CD... from the CD-R ... 
Latest AVPs with HDMI 1.3a
How is the Cary the 'best value' at $3500 when you can buy an Integra 9.8 or 9.9 for way less than half the money? There is an Integra 9.8 on Videogon right now for $900. If you'd like to spend even less money, wait 1 month for the Emotiva UMC-1 w... 
ET LFT-VIIIB V.S. A. Gallo 3.1
I like my Gallos for their incredibly wide sweet-spot. In addition, guitars and vocals (mid-range) were incrediubly life-like. They are also very "fast", their response to quick transients (cymbals, drums, horns, etc.) is extremely good. I, too, h... 
why 3D Holographic sound
I think Etran and Shadowshaman nailed it. Especially the 2" tilt. Take that away and your stage height will definitely drop down a bit. The best part is that it's FREE!-RW- 
Next Step Advice
If you basically like the sound of your Paradigm Studio 20s, you might want to consider moving those to the Rear channels and getting some Studio 40s or 60s for the Front. You would then run the 60s as Large and the 20s as small. You might also co... 
No Sound from Tweeter
Return the speakers and get ALL of you money back. They were severely mis-represented by the seller. Why dick around with non-functional, beat-up speakers?-RW- 
Speakers sound best facing wall????
" Should I worry, since I have my perfect sound with the speakers facing the wall? "No, if it sounds perfect to you, why on Earh would you mess with it? Sit back and enjoy!-RW- 
Chime in.What's the Best Cassette Recorder ever ?
Bang & Olufsen 9000 - simply stunning reproduction. Comes with Dolby HXPro and auto-calibrates to any tape you feed it. This and the Tandberg 3014 are the two best cassette decks I've ever heard.-RW- 
My record gain knobs make alot of noise need help
Remove the knob and spray contact cleaner. Work the pot back and forth after doing so to help excise the grunge that is causing the noise. You may have to do this several times to get it clean...-RW-