
Responses from rlwainwright

Advice people with lamm amp experience
SungChung, my advice to you is to keep what you have. You stated that you really love the amps, why are you in such a hurry to mess with a known-good setup?IMHO, far too many of our brethren spend an inordinate amount of time chasing the holy grai... 
Rotel Help
Good on ya, Mike!! Responses like yours are what makes this such a great community...-RW- 
Survey:What Speakers Do You Want To Demo in Store?
Bruce, I would think that a 150 wpc tube amp would be quite sufficient. Audiogon member "dopogue" uses an EL34 (I *think*) tube amp to drive his Gallo speakers to *very* satisfactory levels. One thing though, his amp is a custom-built jobbie with ... 
Tube preamp question
You might want to consider pinging Audiogon member "dopogue", he has a lot of experience with Gallo Ref. speakers and tubes. Plus he's a super-nice guy...-RW- 
Which one Emotiva or Outlaw for HT
I have an Emo setup - UMC-1 with XPA-5 - and the sound quality is surprisingly good. The XPA-5 amp is a real powerhouse and drives my Gallo Ref. 3.1s to very satisfactory levels. And the UMC-1 preprocessor, the predecessor of the UMC-200, is a ver... 
What's In Your Tape Cassette Deck Tonight?
Wow, Rar1, I think we musta been twin sons separated at birth! I used to make some *killer* tapes using the hi-end gear (Tandberg, B&O, Revox, etc.) in the shop I worked for.If you used a top-quality deck like the B&O 9000 and the very bes... 
Power Supply Options - Pre Amp and Power Amp
I concur with ZD542, especially on the power amp. The fact is that any better quality power amp will already have adequate filtering and such built-in and connecting straight to the wall will allow it to draw as much amperage as needed...-RW- 
PSB or stick with vintage ADS
It would seem that you are looking to find some speakers that provide very good bang for the buck, good on ya! The Andrew Jones designed Pioneers (Sp-Sb22) have gotten great reviews from all who have heard them.The same goes for the Tekton speaker... 
Survey:What Speakers Do You Want To Demo in Store?
Tannoy, Gallo, Pioneer (Andrew Jones-designed), MBL, Tekton, KEF, Salk, Magnepan, Golden Ear, and Avant Garde. This would give one a wide range of prices and design briefs...-RW- 
My grandfather needs some suggestions for speakers
It would be helpful if we knew if we knew what it is about his current speakers that he does not like.Nonetheless, many, if not most, folks on on these sites forget that the speaker/room interaction is probably the single biggest arbiter of overal... 
Need Speakers to be Close to Wall $10k budget
Listen to ZD542, his advice is wise...-RW- 
Recommendations for inexpensive Integrated
I posted to your other post. Look at the Emotiva Mini-X integrated, it is a very nice little integrated amp and is $700 less than the Dared: http://shop.emotiva.com/collections/amplifiers/products/a100-RW- 
Please help me change the look of my speakers
You could have a cabinetmaker sand the cabinets and re-stain or paint to match your gear. This should not be very expensive, much less than applying veneer...-RW- 
Advice on selecting a tube amp
I lived on a 45 ft. sailboat for a year, I know your situation. You want solid state, high-reliability, and good build quality. And you certainly don't want to spend stupid money on it. You might take a look at the Emotiva Mini-X integrated amp, i... 
Any thoughts/recommendations on electronics
From what I've read, they (Dared) seem to have some nice little amps and such that would probably work very well for an office system. Another high quality, inexpensive integrated amp you might want to look at is the Emotiva Mini-X, go to Emotiva....