
Responses from rlwainwright

soundcraftsmen 900x2 lack of clarity?
Yeah, please don't take offense, but back when I was selling hi-end gear, we used to call Soundcraftsman "SoundsCrapMan".There are many well-regarded MOSFET amps available, start Googling and I think you'll find many candidates from which to choos... 
The End Of Out-Of-Print Music
At least CDs don't degrade every time you play them...-RW- 
Neil Young's Pono music player raises millions
"Oh yeah, what about those DAT players and mini discs! Snooze."Tom, if you've ever listened to a DAT or MiniDisc player you would know that the fidelity they provide is far superior to even the best analog tape medium. And they are portable, just ... 
Neil Young's Pono music player raises millions
"Do you really think the Stones, Beatles, Floyd, Monk, Coltrane, Sinatra, Evans, Basie etc, etc. recorded anything over 14-16 bit? "They did not record to any digital format, they all used open reel tape. And if the original tapes are available an... 
To all that worked in audio salons.
I worked at Audio Assoc. and AudioKrafters in the late 70s, early 80s. We used a lot of Telarc discs, Sheffields, Nautilus, and even a Yamaha demo disc. The Yamaha disc was surprisingly good.Some "popular" music we used was Dan Fogelberg and Tim W... 
Speakers First?
The speaker/amp combo is *hardly* the most important interface. That belongs to the speaker/room interface. Don't get that right and there is nothing you can do...-RW- 
how due i improve sound quality??
$100 for a USB cable to stream 320 MP3s? Sheesh!-RW- 
DAC newbie question
There is an Oppo BDP-95 here on Agon for $725, you'd do well to grab it before it's gone. Also, there is a BDP-103 for sale here at $425. Another stellar performer at a very good price...http://app.audiogon.com/listings/cd-sacd-players-oppo-bdp-95... 
Five channel amp setup help - Parasound A51
You could try getting a couple of computer fans and then cutting out some holes in the rear panel to allow them to exhaust the heat. This is a fairly inexpensive solution, should cost you about $25 total...-RW- 
Wit's end with Gallo 3.1s
Ooooops! I meant Sherwood R972 receiver. Sorry about that. Here's a guy selling one for $500 delivered:http://www.avsforum.com/t/1423485/sherwood-r-972-trinnov-like-new-RW- 
Wit's end with Gallo 3.1s
Sometimes a shitty room is just a shitty room, no fixes possible. However, one thing that has not been mentioned is the use of something like Trinnov or Dirac room correction.The Trinnov can be had by purchasing a Sherbourn 972 receiver for around... 
Afraid to buy new speakers
The Gallo Reference AV speakers are designed to use the wall as a backplane. Read up on them, they may be exactly what you are looking for...http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/gallo6/av.html-RW- 
Wit's end with Gallo 3.1s
Stick with the Celestions until you get out of that room - problem solved...-RW- 
Exemplary active nearfield speakers under $1k?
Here is another recommendation for the Emotiva AirMotiv speakers. They are active speakers, having their own built-in amps. The AirMotiv 5s are $449/pr. and the AirMotiv 6s are $699/pr. The main difference between the two models is in the woofer s... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Lacee wrote: "So irregardless of what you think audio is all about,it means somethingelse to others."Surely, Lacee, you know that "irregardless" is not a word? How can anyone place any value on your proclamations when you obviously don't even know...