
Responses from rlwainwright

Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Lacee wrote: "And from this you might even conclude that anything, even a simple fuse,that is in the signal path can also have an effect on your sound."Lacee, the fuse is NOT in the signal path. It simply allows the juice to flow to the equipments... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Pack nailed it, the "improvements" you hear come from expectation bias. After all, if you spend $5,000 for a power cord and $100 for a fuse, you damn sure *will* hear an improvement. Wake up fellas, your expectations are trumping common sense and ... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Snake oil, plain and simple. And, unless your power cord cannot handle the amperage required, spending uber bux on a PC is a fool's game.Think about it, why is it that NO hi-end mfgr. I'm aware of includes these magic beans (fuses and PCs) with th... 
Suddenly, Porcupine Tree
Dnd PFFischer, their most "accessible" album is Stupid Dream. I also greatly enjoy In Absentia and On The Sunday Of Life.Steve Wilson is a certified genius and PT is a fabulous band...-RW- 
Suddenly, Porcupine Tree
Well, considering that Robert Fripp hand-picked Steve Wilson to re-master/re-mix most of the KC catalog, it's not surprising that he borrows from King Crimson.I have seen them live 3 times and each time I came away amazed by the musicianship and t... 
Some amplifier questions
For a top-flight bedroom system, I'd recommend the following:1) Oppo BDP-103 or BDP-105 ($500 or $12002) Emotiva XPA-3 3-channel amp ($800)3) Gallo Stradas for L/C/R speakers ($700 ea.)4) Velodyne DD+ 10 subwoofer (about $1,000 on Audiogon)This wi... 
any experience with Polymer Audio Research speaker
An example of what I'm talking about:"What we are talking about here is over 12 carats of diamond per pair (yes, that is not a typo) which allows theoretically ideal piston movement of the cone diaphragms, woofer cones optimized through sophistica... 
any experience with Polymer Audio Research speaker
Those are some *seriously-engineered* speakers, I'm intrigued. And I'm in So. Fla, mebbe I'll get out and visit them...http://polymeraudio.com/systems/polymer-logic-mkii/-RW- 
why dsd
I find joy in many different formats. Good vinyl sounds great. And so do well-recorded CDs and SACDs and DVD-A discs. It really comes down to the mastering, the media is decidedly of secondary importance...-RW- 
Static electricity....again
Just try the Bounce sheets, they have always worked for those who did. Even if they don't you can always use them in your dryer... 
Static electricity....again
Go small, cheap, and easy - Bounce Dryer sheets. Simply place one on top of a piece of gear and be sure to touch it before your first contact with your gear. Works like a *champ*!-RW- 
Best sounding integrated between $1500-$3000
The Yamaha A-S1000 and the Harman/Kardon HK-990 have received widespread praise and are quite reasonably priced. I've always liked the HK high-current, wide bandwidth design and sound. And the HK also has room-EQ built-in..-RW- 
Anyone Damp the insides of your Speaker Cabinets?
Correct term is "damping". Damping reduces resonances, dampening wets something. I'm pretty sure you'd never want to wet the insides of your speakers...-RW- 
which one of these amp to buy?
All are very good amps with Emotiva being probably the best "value". Emotiva have a very nice Class A, A/B monoblock amplifier in the XPA-1L. It produces 250 watts/ch. into 8 ohms (500 watts/ch. into 4 ohms) in Class B mode and 35 watts/ch. in Cla... 
When the Electric Company Owes You a Favor?
You should probably contact FERC - the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. They are the governing body over every power supplying company (electrical, oil, gas, nuclear, etc.) in the U.S. I know this because I worked there for over 3 years.Any t...