
Responses from rlwainwright

Machina Dynamica mini isolators
Them's some "specially treated" bedsprings, donchaknow?-RW- 
Magico Q5 and Pass Labs XA200.5 Synergy
If 400 watts of Class A power is not enough, there is something seriously wrong with the speakers. And, frankly, I think you are going about this in the wrong way. The *most* important arbiter of overall sound quality is the speaker/room interface... 
Need to hide cables
I used a similar arrangement to what TLS49 recommends and it worked very well. And it cost me all of about $15 to implement...-RW- 
Amp for klipsch KG4
The Emotiva Mini-X amp would do justice to those speakers and will certainly not break the bank ($219). And, with an *honest* 50 watts/ch., it will play loud enough to have the parents complaining constantly... http://shop.emotiva.com/collections/... 
First Post Looking for Integrated Amplifier
The Onkyo integrated that Chayro proposed looks to be a very fine unit indeed! For $399 brand new, that's the way I would go...-RW- 
Speaker decision $3000-3500...help
The Gallo Ref. 3.5 is, IMHO, the very best speaker in that price category. It does soooo many things right: virtually crossover-less, 0 diffraction "cabinet", incredible tweeter and mids that are VERY fast with sweet-spot a mile wide, time aligned... 
Proofreader wanted
The abysmally low level of discourse on the internet, newspapers, and such can be laid squarely upon the doorstep of the American educational system. Kids are no longer required to diagram sentences, use proper grammar and punctuation, and spell c... 
Which component is most responsible?
I believe it comes down to the 2 ends of the chain. 1st, the mic'ing, mixing, and mastering have to capture and preserve the vocal separation. Then, the speakers and room have to allow for the reproduction of what was captured.The other pieces eac... 
Recommend an Entry Level Turntable
With those speakers, you might want to consider getting some beefier amplification. I used to have a Denon DRA-600 and it was a very good receiver. But it was no match for my Harman/Kardon Signature 2.1/2.0 combo or my NAD 3150/2150 bridged combo.... 
Why use DAC w/ server equipped w/ one already?
You are over-thinking this, IMHO. Get your cables and the Oppo, hook it up and *listen*. If it sounds good to you, you are DONE. If not, then you can start sweating the purchase of a DAC. I'm betting that you will be quite pleased with the Oppo an... 
Affordable HD storing/playback server 4 blu discs
I really like DVDFab - it works very well and has a nice, intuitive interface:http://www.dvdfab.com/blu-ray-ripper.htm-RW- 
Nad D3020/Wadia 151 with Guru Junior/Amphion 510?
I would go with the KEF LS50s and something like the Emotiva Mini-X amp. This gives you world-class speakers driven by a very capable integrated amp ($169 on sale) with enough grunt to drive them at *loud* levels...Emotiva Amp:http://shop.emotiva.... 
Mono amps and different length speaker cables
C'mon guys, do you honestly think that the resistance differences between those short cables will make any difference? Only in your dreams...-RW- 
Hot Rats
Loves me some Frank Z.! Just the other night she was buns up kneelin' as I was wheelin' and dealin' to Apostrophe and Overnight Sensation!!-RW- 
mid-rang pre amp
Marantz makes a nice piece and you'll probably love it. But you could buy the Emo UMC-200 now for $499 and get 25% off their XMC-1 when it is (supposed to be) released in Feb. 2014. This makes the UMC-200 essentially free. You could sell it or use...