
Responses from rlwainwright

Ronald Shannon Jackson Dies
Wow, that guy is a *monster* drummer - he must shed 15 lbs. of weight per performance! I also saw a clip where he was playing the flute - very good indeed! Thanks...-RW- 
Best speakers for $1500 or less?
A pair of gently used Gallo Reference 3.1s is very hard to beat. Google THE reviews, they are universally lauded for their exceptional sound quality.You can find them here on Agon for $1400 - $1700 pair quite often and they are truly world-class s... 
Buy 4k projector or display now?...or stay 1080p?
Stick with 1080P, we are several years away from having enough native 4K material to make the purchase of a 4K set worthwhile...-RW- 
Is a hairbrush available?
It's "Giving you a number and taking 'way your name..."-RW- 
Telarc 1812 revisited
The Pioneer's tonearm and cartridge are heavy enough to keep the stylus planted in the grooves. This also means that the stylus is shaving away minute bits of the groove walls each time you play an album...-RW- 
I-tunes download sample rate?
Go with WAV, it will be lossless...-RW- 
Sound Quality of docwnloadable files ?
Downloaded files have the potential to be even better sounding than CDs because they can be 24 bit and higher than CD sample rates (> 44.1 kHz). It really comes down to the care taken in the mastering if that potential is achieved...-RW- 
Stereo Guy wants center channel
Elevick, I'm not sure why you are so dissatisfied with the UMC's remote, it doesn't look that bad to me. The buttons are logically placed and of different sizes so that usage in the dark should be fairly easy.Having just switched from an Emotiva U... 
Stereo Guy wants center channel
Donnatronious, I found a 6 month old UMC-200 right here on Agon for $499, not a bad price but you may be able to bargain him down another $50 or so since Emo has lowered the price of a new unit from $699 to $599...http://app.audiogon.com/listings/... 
dvd's play fine; cd's sometimes don't load
The first thing to do is to clean the laser assembly. This can be done using one of the CD "cleaner" discs or (carefully) by hand using Q-tips and, perhaps, a dab of alcohol.Give that a try first. If it works, great! If not, you may need to have t... 
Stereo Guy wants center channel
Emotiva would seem to have something right up your alley: the UMC-200 prepro and one of their XPA-3 power amps.http://shop.emotiva.com/collections/processors/products/umc200http://shop.emotiva.com/collections/amplifiers/products/xpa-3This will get... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
The best way, of course, is to audition the speakers in your environment. If you have the funds, time, etc. you might consider buying (used) each of the speakers you are most interested in and then auditioning them side by side at home.Once you've... 
Does anyone really need to spend 10k on power
I think that the analogy of the BMW vs. the speakers is a valid one. If you consider the technology, parts count, ease of manufacture, etc. there is no doubt that the BMW has a much higher value per dollar spent.Certainly how one spends one's mone... 
need tips on Integra 9.9 aV proc
Wow, such a very thoughtful and detailed post, BlindJim - good on ya! I used to have a Butler TDB-5150 (*great* amp, BTW) and used the trigger output from my Emotiva UMC-1 to power on/off the Butler. IIRC, I had no problems getting the Butler to r... 
Anyone here have a memory ?
In my teens, I listened to Firesign Theater albums quite a bit. My friends and I would all pile into a HUGE plastic bag that had "aromatic, herbal" air pumped into it using an aquarium fish pump.As the tainted air worked its magic upon us, we woul...