
Responses from rlwainwright

High efficiency speakers
Tekton Lores come to mind immediately. They get great reviews and the prices are very reasonable...-RW- 
anyone hear the Integra 60.5?
Oh, and sorry to have missed answering your main question, my apologies. You should probably take a look at the Emotiva XMC-1 prepro at $1999, available now. It is a feature-rich prepro with very good sound quality and a 5 year warranty. Check the... 
anyone hear the Integra 60.5?
Mribob, I have an Integra DTR-60.5 that I enjoy quite a bit, I found the sound quality to quite good. However, financial difficulties force a sale. If you are still considering the Integra I could make you a swell deal on a virtually perfect unit ... 
Emotiva XPA - 1 mono blocks.
Junkie, the Emotiva amps should be a pretty good match for your speakers. The XPA-1 has quite a bit of capacitance and current capability. This should result in a fairly "authoritative" bottom end.The X series of Emo amps do exhibit a bit of sibil... 
Netflix and Marantz AV7005
As Theo mentioned, I believe this is the best way to hook up your system:1) Sat box into AV7005 via HDMI2) AV7005 into TV via HDMI3) TV digital out (coax or TOSLINK) into AV7005 digital in.Then assign a selectable input to the Sat box and define i... 
Need a good easy to use music manager for PC
The recommendation to convert to FLAC is a good one. IMHO, the best software for doing that is dbPowerAmp, about $50. It has a batch mode that will allow you to convert multiple files easily.Secondly, I greatly prefer Mezzmo over MediaMonkey or JR... 
moving on from Emotiva UMC-200 pre/processor
Emotiva *finally* released their XMC-1 preprocessor. It lists for $1995. However, because you purchased a UMC-200, you are eligible for a 25% discount, making your cost $1495. There is nothing anywhere near that price that compares. Take a look he... 
Amp question for Maggies
Maggies are well-known to be power hogs. Additionally, IIRC, they also dip down below 3 ohms at some frequencies. For these reasons, they work best with amps that big pwoer and good reserves of power. You could easily make use of 500+ WPC. Look in... 
Listening Fatigue & Speakers in Small Room
If you end up deciding to get new speakers, I would recommend you listen to the KEF LS-50s and the Gallo Stradas. Both of these are exceptionally good monitors and are time coherent. The Gallos also offer the benefit of being a crossover-less desi... 
Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage
One thing I forgot to mention is that you would certainly benefit from removing the electronics stack that is currently placed in between the speakers. *Anything* placed between the speakers will be subject to early reflection points and will tend... 
Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage
Because your room is square, standing waves will *always* be a problem as long as you place the speakers "conventionally" along either wall. If I were you, I would experiment with placing the speakers diagonally in the room, where the speakers wou... 
Amplifier Choices for Low Side of Biamped Speakers
Look at the Crown XLS Series - very powerful, built-in crossovers, cool running, great prices...-RW- 
Speakers Distance from Wall
The Gallo Reference speakers work *very* well when located away from walls. Shameless plug: I have a pair of Ref. 3.1s with Stein Audio stands for sale...-RW- 
CSNY Live 1974
If you've heard Steven Stills lately, there is no denying that his voice is shot. And I mean really, really gone. However, he can still sling his axe pretty well.And thanks for the heads up on this box set. The recordings come from a time when CSN... 
Aragon 4004MKII replacement recs
Yep, the Acurus amps sound very similar and can be bought rather inexpensively nowadays. I had a multi-channel Acurus and it was a beastf an amp. I have also had a Butler hybrid (tube/MOSFET) amp that I really, really liked. It has that signature ...