Responses from rlb61
Best SS 200 wpc amps Add the Musical Fidelity A300cr (225 wpc - dual mono - choke regulated) to your list. I'm using one with N804 speakers and it just rocks. Well controlled bass, gorgeous mids, and clear, airy highs. MF and B&W gear mate extremely well. | |
From tubes to solid state I've found the best results with a tubed CD player and SS preamp/amp. I get the power and slam I want with that nice cream and air on top which the tubes produce. I think everyone should have tubes SOMEWHERE in the chain, and find the best place f... | |
Best sound at Stereophile show. I thought the Dynaudio and Phoenix horns were the best sounding. The Dynaudio (powered by the Naim electronics) had a palpable sense of air, space and a huge soundstage. The Phoenix horns (tied with the MBLs for the butt-ugliest speakers I've ever... | |
CD suggestions and help with Musical Fid. and BMW? I disagree with you, Natalie. Jeff said his problem was that the highs are overly dominant, thereby making the sytem sound overly bright and unbalanced. IMHO, that symptom is a cable issue. If he had said that his highs were grainy or that the sys... | |
CD suggestions and help with Musical Fid. and BMW? My rig is a MF Nu-Vista CD, A3cr Preamp, A300cr Power Amp (225 wpc), B&W N804s, Nu-Vista Silver IC's and Coincident CST-1 speaker cables. From the looks of your system, I'd say it's the Tara Labs cable/ICs which are the problem. The Nu-Vista S... | |
Help, moved and very unhappy the sound of the syst Marty -I am forced to conclude that it has very little to do with your room and everything to do with your AC, dedicated lines notwithstanding. Here's a low cost solution. Get a high-current Ultimate Outlet, mini-Lab Cable and Juice Bar from PS Au... | |
B&W 803 vs. 804 My cousin has a pair of Matrix 801s with the North Creek cross-overs. The imaging is great, but I find the bass to be bloated and the highs to be sharp and grainy. The mids are great. I much prefer the sound of the N804s and 803s to the Matrix ser... | |
BAT VK-D5 CD Player Needed New Transport Assembly Upscale is right about mechanical things breaking down ... they all do at some point. HOWEVER, the Phillips 12.4 transport DOES have a reputation of being unreliable and for having problems early on in the ownership cycle. It's THAT simple. I beli... | |
B&W 803 vs. 804 Blackie -Your point is well-taken. My room is a typical condo livingroom/dining room deal 22x17x8 which, IMHO, is a big room. The 804s, with proper amplification, fill up the room and sound great. Don't get me wrong, the 803s are a fine speaker, I... | |
Speaker cable for BW Nautilus 803 Goone -Yes, I'm using CST-1 bi-wire and it really sounds awesome. No baloney. The bass is deep, big and palpable ... I really disagree with those who claim the 804 is lean in that department. I still think it's the ICs which are your problem. Do y... | |
B&W 803 vs. 804 I respectfully disagree with the prior posts. I auditioned the 804s and 803s side by side. The N803 bass response was marginally better but certainly not worth an extra $1,500. Face it - the 803 has two 7" woofers while the 804 has two 6.5" woofer... | |
Speaker cable for BW Nautilus 803 I'm using the Coincident CST-1 with N804s and the sound is slammin'. I think you're getting to the point of diminshing returns as far as speaker cable is concerned. Perhaps you should look at the AZ ICs since I've read about some problems with the... | |
BAT VK-D5 CD Player Needed New Transport Assembly You've got a problem ... the BAT uses the Phillips 12.4 transport which is one of the most troublesome, unreliable transports on the planet. I had a Cary 303/100 AND a 303/200 which both had Phillips 12.4 transport problems. I finally junked 'em. ... | |
BAT VK-D5 CD Player sometimes does not play a CD I believe the BAT (like the Cary and many others) uses a Phillips 12.4 transport - I've heard of and experienced MANY problems with this transport from disc error readings to skips, to sound droputs. You'd think for approx. $6k retail, BAT could s... | |
Now I know what they mean by a bright cable. I had the same problem. Was using the Air Matrix when I changed CD players (went from Cary 303/200 to MF Nu-Vista 3DCD). The Air Matrix were well-burned in and were still somewhat bright when I used them with the Cary. But, my ears were aching aft... |