
Responses from riley804

bose acoustimass 10
If you can get it for free, then you have nothing to lose.Bose gets knocked a bit in the forums for the fact that for the amount of money that it costs for their system, you could shop here and get something better and might even save some money. ... 
least harmful light dimmer
If you decide to go with the dimmer, does a line have to be ran for this , or is there one already there ? If one has to be installed, and since he is up in the attic, may as well have the dedicated line ran at the same time.  
least harmful light dimmer
If the system has its own dedicated lines, then a dimmer shouldnt effect anything.The designer really feels we need a dimmer for the lights over the island.And what is your opinion of this, since it is your house ? 
recyling vinyl?
If they are really bad, then you have a few options : Make some bowls out of them : toss them out on garbage night and either the trash man gets them or somebody else will. 
recyling vinyl?
If they are still playable and just not your type of music that you like, take them to the library or a second hand store. Let somebody else enjoy them instead of ending up in the trash. 
HDMI over Analog or other connections
Inputs: 8 pairs gold plated RCA stereo phono inputsAudio Outputs: 2 pairs gold plated RCA stereo phono outputs 1 pair XLR balanced outputsDont see anything about HDMI.... 
Converting Vinyl to digital
Have you thought about picking up another table , maybe something like a Technics that will get you by until you can get this one fixed ? Might want to check Craigslist and see if anything local is available.I take it that you sold the other table... 
Length of speaker cable effect bass response?
Any chance of moving things back to where they were ? 
Adding a Cambridge 640P to an Onkyo A9555
Read this : 
Length of speaker cable effect bass response?
Maybe the design of the cable is different since its 2 companies that you are mentioning.I bought some BlueJeans Cable a few years ago, but it was going to be used for rear surrounds where I knew it would be over 30 ft, and bought it because it wa... 
which preamp to buy???
My room is large and on the bright sideI would consider treating the room instead of equipment. 
Converting Vinyl to digital
Musicslug-Just wondering what the difference would be if you have a preamp with a tape out , a cd / recorder, turntable and while the record is playing , recording it to cd. Once the album is finished, take the cd to the computer, use a program ca... 
Converting Vinyl to digital
do a search in the forums under " cd recorder" and this will bring up some past threads about this. 
Best Vacuum tube for Bellari VP129
Maybe do some reading in the forums or check out some info that was sent to you regarding other resources for tubes. 
The most hilarious ad ever on Audiogon?