
Responses from riley804

Jolida 1501 RC
I am sure if you search the forums / internet you are bound to find something. 
Rotel 955AX cd player
Listen to the player first before you decide to do anything else. want to check out the forums for more additional information that might be useful 
amp for Usher speakers
to bad you cant take the time to reply to your own thread or reply to emails.... 
TAD-60 speaker connection
Try both and listen to which one sounds better. 
Is there an internal fuse in Adcom Preamp 555? 
Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord?
Pmboyd-If you go back and look at my reply, I asked you a question on other power cords that you have used and what did you like/dislike about those ?But you didnt see that did you...and instead would rather throw this comment out there : If you d... 
Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord?
First you wanted "Best budget, high current, DIY power cord wire"...and now you want "Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord" power cords have you tried so far ? The ones that you di... 
Sonic advantages krell fpb 400cx/700cx.
Why do you feel the need to upgrade ?What is wrong with the amp you have now ? 
Cost to treat a room?
Are you making the panels yourself or buying ones already made ?If you were to get ones from this site: then its just a matter of figuring how many you think you need and then doing some simple math( this si... 
Large Object Between Mini Monitors on Stands...
Is this large object going in the same room where you are putting the speakers on the shelf ( because there is not enough room for speaker stands ) ?If so, dont see how this would be a problem since your speakers arent in the "normal" position. 
Jazz at the Pawn Shop. Anyone know what Vol. ?
Isnt Google Great : 
No sound from cdp.
Have you tried bypassing the Dac and just use the Marantz. Maybe the DAC is the problem. 
My Odyssey Stratos Extreme---It has Arrived
Taking something from another thread of yours :I was all excited until I was told there is a 6-10 week waitBet you were surprised the amp arrived so soon.Enjoy the new amp.... 
Cheap USB to DAC converter making awful pops 
what type of sand to use?
do a search under "sand" and this will bring up some info as well as other suggestions.