
Responses from riley804

Tube Diagnosis
If it is one channel, you can isolate the offending tube (if it is the tube) by swapping left and right tubes to see if the problem follows a particular tube.He did this and mentioned it in the thread :I did this by swapping the left and right out... 
suggestions for warm cd player
since you asked the same question ( yesterday ) : 
How is online radio so transparent?
Would it be possible for you to copy and paste the url into this thread?Try this: 
Soundsmith monitors - Opinions wanted
Just wondering ( as you didnt mention it ), but have you asked this question over at AA ? 
How is online radio so transparent?
Thats nice that this sounds great for you...and maybe sometimes its better to not question everything and just sit back and enjoy it. 
Output balanced impedance Belles 21A preamp?
Contact David ( phone is the best option ) 
MC-7250 vs. Parasound HCA-1205A & Adcom GFA-565's
McIntosh.Have you changed your mind about getting a turntable ? 
Experience Hendrix tour
I saw this the other day on the Jonny Lang website and here are the tour dates ( for those interested ): 
speaker cable tie-downs in room?
I sent you a email with a few links to check out...and this should at least give you an idea of what to look for. 
anyone here with experience Hagerman's Frycorder ?
Any similar product to this that breaks in powercords come up for sale every now and then 
Where to find past TAS Superdisc list info?
Does this help ? 
plinius 8100 sub connection
Try looking on the Plinius website and read the manual.... 
Why did I get married?
Does anyone else have a problem with the old lady constantly whining?No.Maybe your choice of music wasnt what she wanted to hear tonight ?Do you ever ask her if there is something that she would like to listen to ? 
Soffit construction, worthwhile?
I am thinking of either just doing the wall and the corners +/- soffit built along where wall meets the ceiling.This sounds more like you are doing decorative molding to the room ? 
Soffit construction, worthwhile?
When you mention that you are redoing the room....are you making the room bigger ?Can you explain the soffit project and how that pertains to redoing the room ?