
Responses from riley804

Dont know if this helps you at all ? maybe subscribe to the Audio Bluebook ( or maybe you know a member that has it, and they can tell you a going price ) 
DENON DRA-685 in 'protection mode' will not play
I cannot find one anywhere on the WEB!You didnt look very hard..... 
Looking to upgrade From my Odyssey Mono extremes
They seem to me to be a bit on the bright side with my current setup.Wonder if there is something that isnt being mentioned as all the members that have or had Odyssey amps rave about them.Is the room treated or is that not an option ? 
rewire older speaker internal wiring?
besides upgrading the wire, why not look into updating the crossovers also ? 
Any tweaks recommded for under cd player?
While there are probably several that would work, why not mention which ones that you have tried or are using now so that we dont mention them again ?Seeing that you have been a member for a while now, and have plenty of feedback, participate in t... 
How organized are you with your music
Since I have more records than I do cd's, I use Google Documents to keep track of what I have and also have the albums in the bins in alphabetical order. Instead of doing a word of the day....are you trying to do a new thread a day ? 
Interconnects and phono pre
have you tried switching the cables around to hear if there is a difference ? 
Tone controls? Sorry about the heresy.
why not look into getting a better amp ? 
Adcom GFA-5800 Opinions
Personally I think Adcom is entry level equipment , but if you think that in your "opinion" that it sounds good, then that is all that matters. Think that you will will be surprised when you upgrade to better equipment and really hear how the spea... 
Speakers for bad rock recordings
Just throwing this out there, but have you thought about getting into vinyl at all ? Most of those recordings that you hear now ( guess you have them on cd) wont sound near as bad on vinyl, and will actually have more of a warm sound to them.There... 
HDCD recommendations??
See if anything here grabs your interest : 
Kimber PBJ pre-amp to amp?
Since you seem to like the PBJ's, may as well stick with them . 
Good Sensitivity and OK For High Listening Height
this was posted the other day and maybe it will give you some ideas : 
Change Interconects? Will it Help?
Hard to say if it will or not. You could try changing out the front channels and see if it changes anything....the back speakers are only for sound effects, so would leave those alone ( but that is just my .02) 
What paint sheen?
Dont see why this has to be asked....its your house, paint it whatever finish you want to. We dont have to look at it.