
Responses from riley804

Best way to test your system?
However, for those of us that aim for a more intimate musical experience, or are focused on acoustic instruments, moonlighting as a home theater is most likely out of the question.I can agree with that.Not everybody is into HT and audio. 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
If we all lived in a perfect world, then moving equipment to another room would be great, but this is not always an option.This question has been brought up many times though.... 
Power cord..CDP or AMPLIFIER?
guess it all depends on :what cd player do you have ?what amp do you have ? what do you want to spend ?ryt now im in a budjet Ever think of proof reading ? 
Help Selecting a Good Tube Phono Stage?
Would second the PS Audio GCPH..... 
please help diagnose tweeter problem
get a matched pair just to be safe. 
please help diagnose tweeter problem
could shipping/moving the speakers have caused a wire to come loose?Its possible and I would check there first before doing anything else...... 
New audiophile looking for first speakers. HELP
last year you basically asked the same question, and in that time, have you had the time to audition some of the choices that were mentioned ? will probably get flac for saying this, and... 
Powering Revel Concerta F-12 with Creek 5350 SE
here is a review of them : 
Need help identifying these cool speakers?
??When the page loads, it just has images to the right that you can click on.....which one leads you to the speakers that you mention ? 
Mini Monitors: Stands Vs Shelf Questions
Have I run afoul of Audiogon forum guidelines here?Certainly not. You can go to a car dealership and ask the salesman 100 questions regarding a car that you might be interested in, but you wont know how it drives until you get behind the wheel and... 
Mini Monitors: Stands Vs Shelf Questions
Your welcome for the links .As far as wasting bandwith space, neither one of us mentioned this, so not sure where this is coming from.A series of related questions which were spaced over time 3-24-10 
Monitor speaker: Lsa1 statement or Usher Be-718
In one of your previous thread, you mention that you wanted to know where there was a place to listen to the Usher speakers.....Did you ever go to the place to listen?If so, what was your impression ?If not, then why not make an appointment with t... 
Mini Monitors: Stands Vs Shelf Questions
With all due respect, I think you have ask this same question several different ways and members of this site have given their suggestions. Not sure what else you are looking for.....While you obviously dont have the ideal room for speaker locatio... 
Brian Wilson and/or Beach Boy DVDs?
when people have time to read this and reply, I am sure they will suggest what they need to post more than once. 
200 wpc bass amplifier suggestions