
Responses from rgs92

Preamp with tone control.
Audio by Van Alstine preamps have very transparent tone controls. Their affect is subtle but very useful. 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Yes, I did hear them myself and there was no hint of aggressive highs. In fact, they were outstanding each time I heard them. 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Thanks Brf, I had the same thought. The Esotar is just so fine in Dynaudios. 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Thanks guys! I considered the Merlins a few years ago after hearingthem and being impressed at the NY show, but I didn't get them because someone warned me they hadtoo aggressive highs, which I wanted to avoid in a speaker.Now I have Harbeths and ... 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Does anyone thing the Merlin VSMs would work well with anEdge NL12.1 (especially in the highs, not being to raw or tipped up)? Sorry for adding another question to the thread here. Thank you. 
Meridian 508.24 or CEC TL15XR ??? HELP
The Meridian had a nice, liquid musical sound butwith revealing speakers there was some grain andthe bass could be undefined. I owned it for4 years in the late 90's (to 2002). A later Accuphase 75V was much better, and EMM afterwards was an even b... 
It's the Sony XA5400ES the best CDP under 4k
I have the Sony and an EMM CDSA. The CDSA has more resolution and really shows the character of each musical component.That said, unlike some other players I have owned (from Accuphase and Meridian), the Sony does have nice sense of reality, showi... 
Headphone opinion
Yeah, I have not heard the Beyer T5, but it is supposed tosound like the T1, which I think is my favorite and my go-to phone among Senn 800s/650s, and Grado PS1000s/RS1s, the big Senns and Grados being more expensive.The T1s have a great, solid lo... 
Review: Rudistor RP010B Headphone Amp Amplifier
I now use a Van Alstine Ultra+ EC tubed preamp in frontof the Rudistor and it adds lots of tube goodness that soundswonderful, a great antidote to digital glare on CDs that suffer from this. I use upgraded RCA NOS 6CG7 tubes that I think are a mus... 
Review: Rudistor RP010B Headphone Amp Amplifier
Yes. I'll have more later on this. 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Yeah, I'm with Rockadanny. I finally got what I consider superb headphone sound with my EMM SE separates and a Ray Samuels B52 amp with highly upgraded tubes and Stealth Indra ICs. With SACD or, say, the Beatles 2009 box, it's off the charts in qu... 
Has anybody compared Lessloss and Shunyata pcs
I also have always thought that Shunyata cords have a nice mellow sound in the highs; that is what I like about them especially with headphones, which can be tipped up, or speakers that do the same. I have not heard the CX series,but I have severa... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
That's just an amazing level of research you've done here.I think we agree here that the CDSA and the EMM sound in general is something that is special(and has been for the last 6-7 years) and is a great platform to invest in. 
Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player
It's ironic that finally CD players are making some real advancements and sound better than ever by far. I think the first real breakthrough came with EMM in 2004 (and maybe the Linn CD12 in 2000). And now things are really getting interesting. (A... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Hi Sabai, thanks again for all that. You have a lot of things I have never heard of, so it's great that you let us know about them.