
Responses from rgs92

Good CD Player under $800.00 used
Oh, man, I had the Icon 2 long ago also. Brings back memories.Yeah, I 2nd the Sony (I have one), or maybe a used Marantz. 
Amp to match Avantgarde Uno G2 horn speakers
I heard the big Avantgardes in the NYC show a few years back with B.A.T. amps and I was very impressed. There was no shout factor, tinnyness, or bass boom. It seemed just right and very involving. I forgot if tubes were involved. 
Ayon Triton for Wilson Duettes?
Thanks ckoffend-- I never knew that about the Duettes. 
Opinions on Time - Life CD Sets
I've been using the Time/Life CD collections for 25 yearsand have always thought they had great remastering, especially the Classic Rock 50s-70s ones. 
Cables – Speaker as well as interconnects – ugghh
You know, if you don't want to spend a lot of money, try the cheaper grade Audioquest stuff. I used them for years and they are quite refined with no serious flaws. And you won't be making a big financial commitment but I'll bet you'll be happy fo... 
Help define my listening room size for speakers
Gee whiz, my room is similar to yours and I also sit at about7-8 feet from the plane of the speakers that are about 2 feet at most from the wall in back of them (except I have more room to the sides, as they speakers are on the long wall).I had ma... 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
Just to ask the Playback Design fans, how do you feel it deals with digital glare, especially on poorly recorded CDs with vocals that are recorded or equalized to scream at you?(OK, I know this is an acid test, but I am curious.)Thanks in advance. 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
I have the Sony and an EMM CDSA with the X upgrade, and although the Sony is competitive (which says a lot), the EMM does a lot better job of curing some of the digital evils, like the annoying glare of some lesser-quality CDs and even SACDs in th... 
Tell me about "tubey" tubes.
To quote Maxmad above:"From my expirience, tubes can sound delicate, lovely, lots of air and detail, glorious midrange..."Who could give that up unless there is some other fatal flaw?I have a Ray Samuels B52 tubed headphone amp/preamp andthat's ex... 
EMM DCC2-SE or Sony 5400ES for HiRez downloads?
Thanks Neville! 
What are your favorite SACDs and why?
Tommy is awesome on SACD. 
mcintosh c42 vs c46 experience?
I use a C46 and like it very much. It is very transparent with no harshness. I tried a passive preamp (a placette)and it sounded kind of weak and strange and forced. The C46 is much more pleasant. It's just one of those components that's very easy... 
Tell me about "tubey" tubes.
Oh well, I should have googled it before I claimed I was the first one to think of it.Of course, maybe someone beat Shakespeare to it also :] 
EMM DCC2-SE or Sony 5400ES for HiRez downloads?
Actually, I didn't mean using a disc. I meant using the DCC2 dac to translate something from some digital source holding a HiRez download. Sorry for my ignorance on this. 
Ayon Triton for Wilson Duettes?
Speaking of the Duettes if you don't mind me chiming in (apologies), do they have that nice Wilson detailed bass without the titanium tweeter's edginess I hear?