
Responses from rgs92

Accuphase DP75v Vs. Meridian 808.2
Would an 808.2 be an "upgrade" from an EMM CDSA-SE ?(I know this is a controversial subject with lots ofimplications in the question, which is admittedly oversimplifed.) 
Meridian 808.3
LOL! Thanks. 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
No, the current CDSA-SE is the $11.5K model that has beenaround for a few years. This is evidently something new, and it is not clear how this upgrade compares to the $25K EMMX model technically (or in any respect). EMM seems to be kind of furtive... 
Aerial 10T in a small room
There is no need to worry I'm pretty sure. I had my 10Tson the long wall with just 13-feet wall-to-wall and therewas no booming or bass overload. The 10Ts had a very controlled bass in my room (but still nice and deep). I have had other speakers b... 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
OK, thanks for all that! I am always convinced, even though the EMM sound has always had some hiccups, it feels like the best foundation from which to build. EMM always seems to pull the most from a disk, mostly for the better. 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
I do not see this upgrade mentioned on EMM's website. Is there any published info on it or would I just have to call them? Is this a new offering or is for a limited time?Also, Rickron51, does the upgrade add any warmth to the sound?Thanks in adva... 
Meridian 808.3
Re: (Vermeal: "Hire a band")Oh-oh, looks like my wife found me out here on Audiogon.Listen Honey, if this is you, I promise not to use all ofMr. Whiskers' fresh litter for my speaker stands again.love and kisses :-) 
Meridian 808.3
Well, they will probably be used for around $10K or less soon.(They are about $12-13K now.)An Accuphase 75V was going used for $8K 10 years ago,and that was a so-so player. (I sold mine.) So if the Meridian is really as good as TAS claims (which I... 
Best budget speakers for near-field/small space
I LOVE my little Quad 9Ls on my computer, and maybe theslightly bigger Quad dynamic speakers would do the trick.They sound driverless and smooth with no boomy bass or tizzy highs. 
Sennheiser HD 650's thin sounding?
Grado PS1000s have far better resolving power and refinement. I moved from the 650s to those. You will probably get significant improvement for the 650s from APS (A Pure Sound) or Zu 650-specific headphone cables (at least I did,but the Grado PS10... 
Sony scd-xa777es vs scd-777es?
I had a SCD777ES; I didn't much like it vs. my Accuphase DP75V and Meridian 508.24 at the time (though the bass was better than the Meridian). I also think the 5400 is better with grainless, liquid mids.(I have a 5400, not yet fully broken-in, but... 
Kharma enigma signature mains cable- Your views.
OOPS, sorry, I read your post wrong. Thanks for mentioningthe Tara ICs, never tried them but I am curious.I use a Stealth Dream preamp-specific cord on my EMM DCC2that I enjoy as a balance between smoothness and resolving-power and, strangely, aft... 
Kharma enigma signature mains cable- Your views.
I auditioned these along with Kubala-Sosna emotions a few years back. Both are balanced and refined. The bass in both is very controlled and deep, but the KSs have the best controlled bass that is very impressive, while the Kharmas have a bit smoo... 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Stefan Audio Arts Endorphin power cord ($379).Silent, balanced, refined, no surpises, no pushiness,but silky and liquid and great, controlled bass. Best on CDPs and preamps and really fine on headphone amps.Light, flexible ribbon. Giant killer, IMHO. 
Power cable for quiet background
$500? Try for a TG audio SLVR or 688. They often show up used here for $2-300. TG has also been re-instituted and is selling new version ( I have not heard the new ones). SLVRs and 688s are absolutely silent andare great cords in all respects, too...