
Responses from rgs92

Tell me about "tubey" tubes.
Tubey or not Tubey, that is the question.(I made that up after too much wine...) 
So could HiRez downloads sound as good as SACD?
Thanks for the lesson Mihaitaa! 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
Headphone-based findings remove the room-related factors. 
What headphone amp to use with Sennheiser HD800?
A Ray Samuels B52 is a fine match-up. But realize that the 800s can be bright and clinical with some CDs with any amp.I think tube amps are best for them. 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
My review is here on audiogon:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?rdgtl&1299732698&openmine&zzRgs92&4&5#Rgs92No, the output level is fixed. I never really understood the purpose of that switch on the CDSA anyway. 
Review: EMM CDSA X-Upgrade CD Player
As a follow-up, I definitely notice that on various CDs and SACDs where I felt the vocals on my Sennheiser HD800 phones were slightly dry, now they are nice and liquid, but not ina swarmy gooey way, just really natural, like all the bits are now f... 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
The X upgrade is not sold with a new CDSA SE I'mpretty sure.You need to buy one and then send it to EMM for the upgrade.The only physical evidence of the upgrade is the removalof the level switch on the back panel. 
Review: EMM CDSA X-Upgrade CD Player
Sorry about the spacing, I copied-and-pasted from a text file. 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
I had my CDSA x-upgraded a couple of months ago andI wrote a quick review of it in the digital reviews sectionin case anyone is interested. 
Power conditioner for EMM CDSA ?
I finally settled on a V-Ray II with Anaconda CXs into the V-ray and the CDSA (now with the X-upgrade). It's all very nice and I am satisfied. 
Merlin Master Bam Alert
Yep, I heard the VSMs at the NYC 2002 and 2004 shows (the Hilton) and always thought they were among best of show. 
Has anyone switched from Dynaudio to Harbeth
Yeah, I went from Kharma 3.2s to Harbeth SHL5s and I have to say there is a level of detail missing from the Harbethsthat I miss. But the Kharma highs were too hard to take with non-classical music. Maybe there's a happy medium out there somewhere... 
Apogee stage manual speaker distance chart
Yep, the Stages were magic, with vocal tonality soreal in a way I never heard anywhere since, not Quads, not Dynaudio Evidences, not Grande Utopias, or anything else(although I really liked all of those speakers when I heard them--I'm not criticiz... 
Apogee stage manual speaker distance chart
Against all recommendations, I had my Stages 10-inches fromthe wall in back of them and they sounded extraordinary,with no boom. They were on the long wall of a 20x13 room.Maybe the soundstage would have been deeper with them further from the wall... 
Bass and Treble Dials
Accuphase, Mcintosh, and Van Alstine offer them in many of their preamps, FWIW.