
Responses from rgs92

CD Sound Quality -- please help educate me
Get yerself an SACD player and a nice collection of SACDs.I love SACD. 
Esoteric K-01
So would anyone say the K01 handles poorly recorded popular-music redbook discs OK, reducing the digital glare and shout in vocals and the upper mids that I think is a central fault with many redbook CDs? I like how SACDs (most of them) don't seem... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Learsfool -- nice thought-provoking post. Do you think what you said applies to high-end SACD also? I notice that with good SACD, I can just breathe deep and relax and take in the music in a way I can't with redbook. So I think I am hearing what y... 
Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade
I had the PD MPS5 for a few months and sold it because the mids and lower mids seemed to lack control on redbook only, where they sounded a little woozy. I did like the tonal signature though, no glare or "digital" glassy upper mids in redbook. I ... 
McIntosh C46 makes distorting pops thru speakers
I have a C46 and I don't think I ever found any reason to use the hard power switch ever in the 5 years I have owned it.It's vestigial, as far as I can see. 
The 3 kings: Esoteric K01,EMM XDS1,Meridian 808.3
OK, I think you are right, Wadia and dCS belong, it's just that the 3 seem (to me) to get the most publicity (for whatever reason). Silly thread? Well maybe; I probably should have left it as the perennial "a vs. b vs. c" and it was presumptuous o... 
Esoteric K-01
FWIW, TAS (Alan Taffel) says in the May/June issue of K-03 on redbook: "the K-03 sounds beautiful, delivers exceptional detail and spatial depth, and is tonally ravishing. On the other hand, it is missing the ultimate resolution, openness and free... 
The 3 kings: Esoteric K01,EMM XDS1,Meridian 808.3
Well, I wanted to restrict this to the larger established companies with a fairly long history, that is why I left out Playback Designs, and that's the only reason. 
The 3 kings: Esoteric K01,EMM XDS1,Meridian 808.3
Kops--thanks! What are the negatives on the Meridian's sound? 
Passive preamp with integrated or headphone amp?
OK great. I will give that a try. Thanks for all that again. 
Passive preamp with integrated or headphone amp?
Hey thank you Stanwal!I have a tubed headphone amp.I hope this wouldn't sress out the tubes.Nice eqpt. you have there. I like those Apogees. I had Stages for years and cannot forget them. Like an open window to music. 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Dracule - LOL!! 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
You have to decide if you are going to spend on women or gear in general. If you have so much you can afford both, more power to you.They are both money pits, women being the far bigger one if you really analyze it. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
It depends on how long you intend to live I guess. 
Any better spkrs than Era D4's for computer audio?
I have the desktop Swans that I like very much.Good clean bass and smooth mids and up from there.Nice tone controls too.