
Responses from reb1208

SoundCity Speaker Outriggers
Timrhu, what materials did you use. Looks like a pre-fab metal flat bar. I'm on a spending freeze, so DIY interests me. 
problems with 24 bit cd players
Could the "problem" be traced to your choice of speakers?? Magnepans are not known for mid-bass prowness nor relaxed high frequencies. 
Synergistic Research Quattro multi supply ?'s
You can use the MPC in a dual mono cofiguration. One per each cable. 
Classe CDP-1.5, 1 or .5 experience??
Probably just needs a new transport. Parts Connexion should have the philips transport for you. 
Most Quiet TUBE Preamp. Linestage. $ 12K or less
Properly tubed, many modern tube pre-amps are capable of dead silence. This performance can be found in preamps starting at the 3K price level. Perhaps you had a bad experience with a noisy model? 
Clipping and the pre amp...
Perhaps you are having a problem with the very inexpensive "Dallas" digital chipset used in the ARC. It will overload if driven a highish input signal from a phonostage or digital source. That is why they have LOW-Med-High on the input control. Yo... 
SCD-1 v Krell Standard
Krell is a very good player. Avoid SACD Standard ver 1, severe transport problems. 
"What's Your Best Price?"
I agree too. 
ARC Ref 2 Mk II tube rolling suggestions, please
You could roll the power supply tube. 
What are the advantages of tubes in a CD Player?
One of the potential advantages are life like dynamics. Often, tube output stages will make the drums sound more like what you hear from vinyl. 
Best of the AMperex 6DJ8/6922 Tubes
In the 6922 based preamps I have owned. A properly selected pair of Amperex 6dj8 Bugle Boys has never disappointed. I prefer the vintage of 1962-1964. Try to puchase NEW/Unused examples. The used pulls from scopes all tend to be noisy/spitty/micro... 
Siemens -Halske 6922
In the late 90's, I tried or owned almost every tube type available in this family. Sold much of it but still own/use certain brands. Recently, I plugged in a pair (unused) of RCA branded Siemens 6dj8's (1968 vintage). After some initial congestio... 
How to touch up nicks on edge of black faceplate?
The ink from a black writing pen. Pull the tube off the tip to get to the ink. 
Musical Fidelity - Anthing Going On With Them?
Musical Fidelity 
Upgrading Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE to ???
Amperex A-Frame 6DJ8 in the buffer should help you achieve the dynamics/bass weight you are looking for.