
Responses from reb1208

Silky and soft highs: product of coloration?
"You are degrading your violins....yes?... And you have just found your "weakest link"."I found out long ago that the weakest link in my system was Me. That is no longer the case thanks to fearless experimentation and developing advanced DIY skills. 
Silky and soft highs: product of coloration?
Oh my!, no I'm saying just the opposite. Power amp is as important as the preamp and source. Any weak link in the chain becomes a bottle neck for the signal. If you have killer upstream components, how are you going to hear what they can do thru a... 
Silky and soft highs: product of coloration?
The power amplifier is the last "active" component that the signal passes thru. The logic is easy to follow.......... 
Rewire Marantz or Reterminate Cable
It is a very simple task to rewire the internal XLR jacks inside the Marantz gear. Invest the 10 minutes of time and be done with it. 
Tube preamp with balanced in/out and remote?
You can probably score a Cary SLP-2002 for a few hundred more. 
DIY solid gold interconnects?
Mundorf silver/gold wire is also available for DIY. Very easy to work with as its already insulated. 
DIY solid gold interconnects?
link to a chart electrical conductivity of metals: 
Tube cdp with ss units...
"Try the Raysonic gear, you wont be disappointed. If I can help let me know...."Very misleading information. 
Any new users of the Audience
If your into DIY, Audience sells their Auric hook-up wire in two guages. I've had good results with this wire. Based on the description of the wire inside the AU24, it appears to be very similiar to the hook-up wire. BTW, I am currently using some... 
6922 Sovtek Variances ???
One of the Sovtek 6922 variences I'm aware of is about 15yrs ago, they were still made with grey plates. 
I think my hearing is damaged.
Eliminate any artificial sweeteners from your diet. Don't listen to music loudly for a few weeks. Don't clear you ears by holding nose and blowing pressure thru them. Protect your ears from cold weather. Catch up on sleep. See an ENT. Accept the f... 
Any updates on the Nova Memory Player?
"Simply amazing, no more digital sound, all the harshness completely gone, vanished, poofed."IME, it is the rare machine made today that has a digital/harsh sound. For the most part, only machines that use electrolytic output caps have this type o... 
tubes going microphonic always same channel???
Here is your answer as to why. Check the filament and plate voltage supply to the problematic channel. The voltages are probably out of spec, ie too high. Secondly, based upon my ownership of the Cary 303/300, the circuit design allows microphinic... 
Anybody familiar with Mundorf silver&oil caps
If one spends enough time experimenting with bypassing coupling caps. It is possible to find a synegistic match-up that does not cause detrimental time/phase smearing. In addition, no capacitor is perfectly transparent. Non bypassed capacitors can... 
Thats any easy solution. You buy the new Musical Fidelity A5.5 due out shortly. Thats what I may do myself.