
Responses from reb1208

i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas
I'm glad to read some constructive posts aimed at helping out Mr. Tennis. I happen to know this person and can assure you he is sincere. BTW, he does own a very nice turntable with a Grado cartridge. 
SLP98 mods and upgrades
Direct coupling (on past Cary pre's) eliminates any capacitors coupling the gain stage tube to the driver tube. The output capacitors remain and those caps are what you should spend time learning about. Tons of info over at Audio Asylum in the DIY... 
SLP98 mods and upgrades
Have Cary do the direct coupling and hexfreds. Skip the coupling capacitors and learn how to experiment with them on your own. 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Analog has limited HF extension? Come over to my house buddy and you shall change your mind. Not all records have limited bandwith. 
Mk-IV Platter on a HW-19 JR Table?
The stock steel bonded to acrylic plinth is far superior to corian. 
Mk-IV Platter on a HW-19 JR Table?
It sure does. 
Synergistic Research Active Sheilding Quandry
I run Res Ref X2 speaker cables with one MPC per wire. Very much a noticeable change in sound. Dual mono power supplies is basically what it amounts to. 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?
I think it would be worthwhile for you to consider replacing the toroid with a stacked transformer. Is the power supply fully regulated?- if not, consider this as well. 
Info, please, on power cord burn-in
My 2 cents of advice, based upon my experience at DIY cords. Having built about a dozen so far of varying types. A cord will display 80% of what it can due upon first listen. Fully formed by about 150-200 hours of use. Plug em in and enjoy. 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?
Ok, I'll go thru the hastle soon and list my system for you guys. Obviously if a power amp has a very sensitive input stage, the system may sound more foward with a high gain pre-amp. That one is easy to figure out. Or if the speaker is mid 90's a... 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?
There seams to be some confusion over the Sonicraft platinum capacitors. They are NOT teflon. The cap is a hybrid design that happens to use teflon film as one of the ingredients. The unit was fully broken in. 
Modwright SWL 9.0SE -vs- Aesthetix Calypso?
I can't be of help either in the comparision. But in my system, the Modwright SE equiped with NOS Tungsol tubes was a disappointment. Main issue I had was a lack of soundstage depth, width and height. Presentation was foward with a non-relaxed sou... 
Krell SACD Standard problem
I purchased one of these over the summer as a special deal that Krell is pimping out thru a well known dealer. Had the same transport problems, dealer took it back without any hastle. Called up Krell and had a lengthy conversation with their sales... 
DC from my Classe DR6 preamp? Solutions?
There are probably trim pots inside the DR that will allow you to adjust the DC offset. Yes, I know the factory gave it a clean bill of health, but do yourself a favor. Get a meter and check to see if there is any DC in the output. If so, adjust t... 
Has anyone tried the Synergistic A/C Master Active
I found a use for that cord. Mine is the X2 Master Coupler version. Use it to drive a hard wired multi outlet power strip I made with IEC inlet, when I need the extra drive. Sometime that powers the MPC that are dual mono configured on my Syn Res ...