
Responses from ptss

What Power Cord can improve clarity and bass slam?
Check the website mitcables. Happy hunting, you'll be in the right forest. 
differential versus common-mode noise?
Thx SteveThanks Steve. I'm in my 60's and not tech savvy.So far I don't use cable TV or internet formusic. Will look into. 
Should quality PC's be plugged into a conditioner?
It should improve your sound. Focus on isolating your digital. Love to hear your experience. 
differential versus common-mode noise?
Thanks Steve. I recognize and appreciate the value of the units suggested. However they are a much bigger investment than I'm able to make.Your thoughtful consideration of my question is much appreciated. I feel you are an exceptional asset to tho... 
Terry, I agree about industrial equipment reliability/robustness; and I completely agree with your comment about pure power being the most under rated factor in audio. . However I feel equipment designed for industrial use may not be as "refined" ... 
differential versus common-mode noise?
Thanks Al and Steve.I take away that both common and diff noise emanate; therefore common and differential noise isolation is required to properly isolate digital components? Which noise from the incoming ac line is most disturbing to the digital ... 
Terry, I use a 2Q transformer and found MIT products to compliment it nicely. 
2 way isolation with power cords?
Thanks Ivan 
So what would you recommend for my next upgrade?
The older MIT cables sound like sandpaper compared to the newer versions. upgrading cables is not recommended-it's essential. You may end up very happy with the improved sound and have money for more "software". Good luck. 
Once again, recuperating from surgery
I'm almost envious. Great to hear you survived the surgery to "listen another day". With many surgeries under my belt it is my understanding that if you are experiencing pain-recovery may be expedited with pain killers that help you to be pain fre... 
Would a power conditioner stop a 60 cycle hum ?
Balanced transformers are famous for eliminating hum.. 
Jafant. have you tried combinations with any other conditioners. How do you use the 2 you have? 
what's happening at Berkeley Audio Lab?
They have a significant new product in the works! Check their site. 
Redbook CD Is Not Dead
CD is not dead. I just listened to Yehudi Menuhin from a 1962/64 recording of Mozart violin concertos, on a economy grade "Encore" label cd, which was a re-issue to boot. Fabulous playing and so musical. Far from perfect in the orchestral crescend... 
Hi Terry. If I were to use an industrial unit it would perhaps be at the house power supply entry, and certainly before the 2Q. The reduction in gross noise & constant voltage the industrial unit would provide 'might' enhance the effectiveness...