
Responses from ptss

Anyone Damp the insides of your Speaker Cabinets?
B_limo. Interesting tough question that companies like Wilson, Rockport, Magico, Focal, YG, B&W, Dynaudio and others never stop working on. Of course as businesses they must concern with trade-offs. Your question-the best-need not consider tra... 
Help with MIT Z Stabilizer prototype....
Thanks Dan. Which Stabilizer did you have? How did you use it?Did you try it with whatever new conditioning unit you "upgraded" to? You can see Joe's answer in the old thread-not helpful. 
Anyone Damp the insides of your Speaker Cabinets?
All loudspeakers sound best when they are as close to inert as possible. Vibrations just cause "fuzzy" sound. Before you go stuffing the insides--1st seriously consider reducing/eliminating vibration by bracing the walls.Adding stuffing material w... 
Help with MIT Z Stabilizer prototype....
Hi Dan. Thanks. That older link did not help. Hope someone into tech side of things will join in. Do you use a Stabilizer? 
what is the best power cable for the dCS Puccini
Not to be disagreeable-but-the best pc will be the one that best removes noise from the current--in both directions. I am presently looking for information on that. Also what type of isolation device is best to remove line noise and digital noise ... 
Help with MIT Z Stabilizer prototype....
Hi Daniel. The link did not work. 
Oppo 105 vs Lexicon RT-20 CD/SACD sound quality
Puleeze.. someone has bought an Oppo who has also owned the RT 20.... 
Would a power conditioner stop a 60 cycle hum ?
Check with Equitech tech support. They were very helpful for my questions. 
Terry, did you ever try an MIT Stabilizer with your isolation transformer? 
How To Get The Best Sound From Pandora & Rhapsody?
Hgeifman. How do you know the Ayre will sound better in your system? 
Hydra 8 after Equitech 2q
Are you saying the Hydra 8 was of no benefit?Did your Furman benefit your HT system? In which ways?What did you do with your Hydra 8? 
Hydra 8 after Equitech 2q
Lacee, have you experimented since installing the 20 amp dedicated line? I did and found my conditioners to be still invaluable. I believe on oversize transformer such as my 2Q also has reserves of power. My 200 watt amp never drew more than 3-4 a... 
IPhone 5S options for audio?
Thanks all. Much appreciated..Steve, how can an $85 docking station have a good dac? Isn't it just too cheap? 
CD Player that can stream Pandora, Rhapsody, etc.
Hgeifman. It is so nice to be able to read your enlightening responses. Reasoned & practical. I just got an iphone 5S and am so appreciative of its ez to use features it encourages me to explore media music. I totally enjoy CD's and SACD's but... 
Room treatments on the ceiling?
Ceiling treatment is very effective once you have scattered back wall reflections AND you have carpeted and cleared area in front of speakers. Nuance will become obvious and even prominent. It's essential to get the "real"-subtle" artistic intent....