
Responses from ptss

Very encouraging about Oppo. How good is the CD sound compared to dedicated CD players from top manufacturers? 
OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?
You might find it interesting to audition an MIT Oracle AC2 powercord with your Oppo. The improvement in sound will not be at all unremarkable. (I know the AC2 is expensive). I would be very interested to hear how much closer the sound is to your ... 
cd/dvd repair ot trash
Ramy, how much better is the CD sound from Meridian 800 and Esoteric DV 60 versus the Oppo? 
Repair or Replace ???
I use a new 50 inch Panasonic plasma. I'm actually very satisfied with the DVD picture from my Lexicon RT-20; mind you I have "exceptional" power conditioning and the "best" MIT cables for progressive outputs. Still, I'm lucky to be pleased with t... 
Is it possible to have Good Imaging close to wall
Only if you take steps to mitigate reflections from the wall. That's all there is to it. 
Dyslexic need very easy to understand H T reciever
I can't help but empathize. Head injury left me same way. Stay cool and calm. I 
cd/dvd repair ot trash
I would send it back to Meridian.I don't dust cd's -I use a liquid spray cleaner and proper cloth, just as for treated glasses. When it won't read the disc it could be a motor problem-not that expensive to repair. If you don't want to spend money ... 
Oppo "Darrbee" sound quality?
Thanks Larrybou. Just how good do you consider the CD sound of the 105D? Would you say it's as good as say a top level Mark Levinson was say in 2006/7/8. Have you had listening experience with top tier CD players or transport/dac combos? 
Lightning Strike - Immediate and Delayed Effects
Thank you for this informative and interesting post. You've motivated me to review my set up and to check with my insurance company. I was fortunate to acquire some reference quality Spectral,MIT & Goldmund gear that I could no longer afford t... 
MIT Oracle AC2-- anyone with experience?
I disagree with your statement that quality is "based on the moment". If that were so there would be no market for art or music or Rolex. The MIT Oracle AC2 powercord is very expensive without question so most will not get to experience it. Howeve... 
MIT Oracle AC2-- anyone with experience?
In both my digital and analog the AC2 is a game changer for power cords. Incredible all round. If you want to know what your equipment can really do.... 
A New Superstar Power Cord
Absolutely "do not" compare it to an MIT Oracle AC2. You will feel "crushed". 
Repair or Replace ???
Once again, is the CD sound from the OPPO 105 "as good as" say a very good Mark Levinson or Esoteric from SAY 2006?? 
What to do with bad recorded CDs
I wouldn't throw them out. You haven't heard all them at their best yet! It's great you're enjoying your excellent system--but there is more!! First question--do you have a "phase reverse" switch on your preamp - and if so have you experimented wi... 
BPT 3.5 Power cable need help
For a very decent power cord for about $500 I suggest a used MIT Oracle AC3. It can come up used for that. No network. Very suitable for 20 amp service. The demos from Joe Abrams are about $699 with warranty. My other suggestion would be to find a...