
Responses from ptss

Need for Power Conditioning??
As well, look into/read up about doing your AC wiring using good quality well shielded wire as is used in sensitive and critical computer controlled robotic applications. It's vastly superior to basic household or even standard industrial 10 gauge... 
Upgrade from Cambridge Audio 840C to lessen glare?
Perhaps your new amp is more sensitive than the old to the digital hash that comes out of virtually all digital products.Before you go spending money on changes--at the least- "experiment" with isolating and conditioning AC to at least your digita... 
Need for Power Conditioning??
You must experiment. If you have a resolving system that's properly wired you will notice a distinct benefit merely by adding additional separate isolation for your digital on top of your overall isolation with your Equitech. (I hope you have a ph... 
Frequencies addresses by power cords?
Thanks Don, more detail would be helpful. I'm most interested in MIT, Shunyata & Equitech. (These mfg's don't provide detailed specs; although I can't imagine why. If they are proud to build it--they should be proud of what it does.(High-end h... 
Upgrade from Cambridge Audio 840C to lessen glare?
Try isolating and conditioning the ac to your digital. Your new amp is simply be revealing what has always been there.The better your system becomes the more you need digital isolation. Your player is very good. Just give it the very clean power &... 
Frequencies addresses by power cords?
Safe comment - unpredictable :-). 
Frequencies addresses by power cords?
Well Al, what does this mean for power regenerators? 
RIP: Daddio of the Raddio
People like Porky are still an essential link today. RIP. 
Frequencies addresses by power cords?
Thanks Atmasphere. Interesting. I thought the distortion didn't contribute much to the power output. In fact I thought ac distortion was a negative factor. I've seen so much about using REGENERATION to provide a smooth waveform and therefore more ... 
Best Option In A CD/SACD Player Under $1,500.00
I think Lexicon RT-20 is very good for that price. If you can find used. As all these players it benefits from ac isolation/conditioning. 
Is the Oppo-105 with Modwright modifications
I would suggest auditioniong an Oracle AC 2 power cord by MIT. Players will change but AC power is more likely to deteriorate rather than improve; your power improvement will be permanent. 
Comparison of MIT cables..
Thanks Camb. Very informative. Jafant, what do you think of the article Camb mentions? 
Comparison of MIT cables..
Bump. Hopefully someone has used on digital? 
Is the Oppo-105 with Modwright modifications
$2300 will never come back if you sell. Consider that amount spent on other upgrades. More to follow. 
Frequencies addresses by power cords?
Thanks Al. Misprint. s/b frequencies "addressed".As in what ac "line noise" frequencies do the various top line power cords attempt or claim to eliminate. Equitech "seems" to state to 100,000 hz as they mention other filters operate above 100,000.