
Responses from ptss

Should I upgrade my Blu-ray player now?
You might consider "investing" in some AC power isolation and conditioning devices. AC is unlikely to change-or improve in quality- in the forseeable. Good clean power benefits your digital and perhaps your entire rig-permanently. Why not sample S... 
Power cord length?
As an example we've seen in school how standing waves set up. There are always reflections back into power cables; is length a factor there? Can there be an ideal length for our purposes-taking impedance, capacitance, reactance into consideration?... 
Power cord length?
Leicachamp, you talking on the technical side of this; which was brought forward mu query. 
Loudspeaker dispersion-
As an aside this talk confirms my belief in the good cabinet design (snail) of the B&W flagship Nautilus Loudspeaker. It certainly minimizes speaker cabinet interaction, doesn't it? 
Martin Logan panel renewal
Thanks Mofi. I'll contact him. 
Martin Logan panel renewal
Mofi, could you guide me. That's very significant yo my audio budget. Would you prefer direct email or?? 
Martin Logan panel renewal
Mofi.Panels are about $1750 shipped. Does this change basically renem the speaker? 
the magic of power cords
"A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link"-remains true. Don't give up. If you learned nothing it's only that you didn't have the technical/analytical expertise and/or resources to enable elucidation of the results-at that time. Gauge,conduc... 
Dybaudio Consquence
Rodman, I agree that's a good idea; but tweeter at floor level?I agree Matt; that's why I would like to know the thinking behind these. 
Need for Power Conditioning??
I'm with you Pauly. Terry, have you tried reversing the order? 
Need for Power Conditioning??
You also want a dedicated run for you listening room only. This reduces "in-home generated noise" contaminaion of your audio-video room. 
SACD loading problem with Lexicon RT-20
No idea, but my RT 20 sometimes doesn't want to play a cd.I have found moving the cd on the disc tray helps-but you'll have to experiment. Maybe a call to Lexicon? They said I should take mine in for a check up. Safe call..No problem for me with D... 
Need for Power Conditioning??
Coxhaus you've got a great setup. I'm sure your one of the few to hear a guitar sing from a digital drive. The isolation should be mandatory-well it is for great sound anyway. I agree with Terry-there is no such thing as clean power from the pole,... 
Help with MIT Z Stabilizer prototype....
Thanks Daniel, I will contact Joe. Do you still have your old Z Stabilizer? 
Cables more hype than value?
Mapman. Your digital hash goes straight through your power cord. Don't be too hopeful about the effect of sheilding. Try some isolation.