
Responses from ptss

Borodin String Qtt 2
Have I posted this in the wrong area?Or ?? Is Borodin not that popular?Or--is it just string quartets... 
Is DSD download already an extinct format?
Mordante, pardon the pun, doesn't the first part of your name "mort" (ok there is a t instead of a d : )) say it all. Pour mes amis seulement. In the womb is a little harsh isn't it? 
DEQX and YG Acoustics?
According to other posts about drivers, and info on the DEQX website, there are no "perfect" drivers. "There are anomolies even in the very best drivers that result in the signal/driver interface creating 10 to 100 times or more the distortion in ... 
Is DEQX a game changer?
So far I seem to be hearing a strong yes. Any dissent and if so why. 
Absolute Mystery
"Unprofessional"? It appears to me that for advertising/marketing- "professionals", are resorting to "anything" to put a plug for "whatever", "wherever". Perhaps it's due to the internet's "social forums" such as your tubes (is that your vocal cho... 
Rockwell: audiophile term "just like a pedophile"
Well put Doug. 
Rockwell: audiophile term "just like a pedophile"
My experience is that,for most of us, better (more lifelike) equipment and better recordings are simply about an improved ability to hear music we enjoy. It's just not complicated at all. 
YG Acoustics Hailey 1.2
General comment re the lack of imagination on box design by YG(and also Magico). With all the bragging about technical capabilities and manufacturing tolerances why not a bit of creativity in design. Why not put these "5 axis" computer controlled ... 
"Neck and Neck" Mark Knopfler/Chat Atkins
There's good reason; Chet was responsible for recording many great artists and was very fussy about sound. 
Size of Midrange Drivers
It's not hard to look up Tim. 
DEQX and YG Acoustics?
It looks like DEQX does a better job than YG. Am I missing anything? 
Is DEQX a game changer?
Looking forward to your follow up Bif. (Lucky you) 
Ground level woofer?
Thanks Bob. There must be powerful reinforcement from proximity to the floor; perhaps improving sensitivity? 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Revel Salon use about 4.5 inch drivers for good reason. Look into driver size, dynamics and dispersion. 
An observation about "Modern" classical music.
Borodin String Quartet # 2 recorded by Melodia by the Borodin String Quartet in 1980. I hope you will enjoy much of it-if not all.