
Responses from plato

Amp Question Please advise
Probably getting different speakers would do a lot more for you than getting a different amp...Surely the amp is important, but if your speakers lack bass extension and resolution at low levels then no amp is going to fix that. The room could also... 
Wheres my week link????
You're right Mapleleafs3, from my assessment, I'd say his weakest link is spelling and grammar. 
Billboard's awards .....yikes
Your mom and dad were correct. You should listen to them and regard their advice more seriously. :) 
What amp with Innersound Eros ?
Markmaloof writes:"I am using the Innersound amp (the current iPower 333) with a Transcendent Sound grounded grid tube preamp, and I don't think it's an overly bright amp, but an ACCURATE amp."Well yeah, like I said, using a tube preamp to roll th... 
Nu force Reference 9 w/maggies?
I haven't tried that particular combination, but they should sound fantatic. They would definitely have enough power and with the excellent tube preamp, I'm sure you'd be extremely pleased.Presently, I have a set of Ref 9s which will play my VMPS ... 
Jp1208,I'm getting excellent results with my Reference 9s using a PS Audio UPC-200 AC line conditioner. I think it's always best to use some form of AC line filtering when possible.As for using pucks, cones, and such, I've experimented briefly wit... 
Best Guitar CD Recording
I was just playing Stevie Ray Vaughan's The Sky is Crying. Cuts 4 and 8 sound awesome on a good system (like yours).Also, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds' Live at Luther College has some amazing guitar work on it. And speaking of Ry Cooder, I alway... 
digital upgrade opinions
A Benchmark DAC-1 straight into your amps via the variable output should be the highest bang-for-the-buck upgrade for that money. And I'm taking my own advice on that one. :) 
RB600 and Benz Cart - Do I use the Plastic Washers
That should be fine. I'd leave them alone. Play and enjoy! 
Down graded, with fantastic results
Hi Gretsch6120,I always like to hear stories like that and I applaud your wise choices. Those SignalCables are great wires, especially for the price, as I'm sure you've found. :) 
Acoustic Reality vs. NuForce
Audiofankj makes a good point. It's always best to listen to amps in your own room with your own speakers. That said, I have heard Nuforce Reference 8Bs against the Rowland 201s and felt the NuForce was definitely superior in midrange and high fre... 
whats changed in audio & is it better
I think the disappearance of the stereo specialty salons is something that is disappointing and unfortunate, but inevitable.I can vividly recall, years ago, some very impressive demonstrations I heard at local audio shops and talking about the lat... 
Dbarger,As long as you have adequate power with the Ref 8s and you're happy with the bass extension, there is probably no reason to upgrade to the Ref 9s. The pair of Ref 8s I have are the 8.02, I believe, and I like them very much. My feeling is ... 
Strange Grounding Problem?
Just to follow up, Jason at NuForce did offer to check over my equalizer if I send it to them. However, since I can only hear the hiss up close to the speaker and don't particularly want to take my chances with shipping right now, I think I'm goin... 
Hi John,I did not feel that your comments were directed at me and didn't take any offense. I see reviewers get slammed here fairly regularly in this forum, so I don't usually take it personally. I appreciate your concern and thank you for consider...