
Responses from plato

Maybe, about the revisions, but if you listen to the current model Ref 9.02, it's an awesome sounding amp that clearly outperforms the bulk of amplifiers on todays market and competes with some VERY expensive units.True, the many revisions are ann... 
speaker efficiencey?? Starting point...? 92db??
I would say that the relative levels of the individual channels and how closely they match one another has absolutely nothing to do with the system's ability to provide flat frequency response. That would be a whole different topic and to measure ... 
Review: Benchmark DAC1 DA converter
Hi Kubla,I tried the Grado SR60 which is not the best but it gave me an idea of the Benchmark's quality. I also drove my full-range speakers from the headphone output via a couple of different RCA adapters (into the power amps) and that's how I co... 
Review: Benchmark DAC1 DA converter
Unless I missed it, (which is entirely possible) you didn't say whether you used the DAC1's fixed or variable outputs, or whether you used it direct into your amps or through a preamp, and you also did not say which type of digital cable you used ... 
Speaker Distortion or Room Interaction ?
Questions you need to be asking are: How large is the listening room? What is the speaker's sensitivity rating? What is the maximum rated output of your speakers in dBs? How loud is your listening level? And how much amplifier power do you have av... 
Vintage systems- anyone else?
Having been in this hobby for over 30 years, and having owned a lot of vintage gear (when it was new), I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for nice vintage systems. And I still have a fair amount of vintage gear (that I can't bear to part with)... 
ribbon tweeters
Well, the sensitivity of the ribbon would need to be a close match to that of the other drivers, or a little higher so that the crossover could be adjusted for proper balance. Also, the crossover point would need to be considered or reconsidered..... 
Toughest hombre west of the Pecos?
Definitely Eastwood... By contrast he makes John Wayne look like a mama's boy. Eastwood's just plain has more "grit".As to my preference in electronics, I go both ways. I like tubes and solid state; and often times mixing the two in the same syste... 
NuForce Reference 8 vs. 9
Hi Bill,I would say that the NuForce Reference 9 is a pretty neutral sounding amp. The Reference 8 sounds a bit thinner in the lower midrange and upper bass, and lacks bottom end weight and slam (though their bass articulation is excellent. The cl... 
NuForce Reference 8 vs. 9
I think the Reference 8 amps will have enough power to drive the Gallos in your size room. That said, I own both the Ref 8s and Ref 9s and the Ref 9s are fuller in the lower registers and provide more bass impact (regardless of speaker sensitivity... 
Am I defeating the benefit?
Well, two things I can offer. One: think back to when your system last sounded good and retrace your steps as to what you changed since then. This might give you some clues.Two: I don't know about the MIT 330 II interconnects, but the original 330... 
any compatibility opinions on Nuforce amps with No
Well, as I recall, Nordost cables lean a little to the bright side of neutral. This is not bad in itself, but the NuForce amps are very extended and linear in the high frequencies, so it sounds like the combination could wind up sounding bright. O... 
Contribute to best speaker count.
Albert, thanks for clearing that up with your reply to Royy -- High-End audio is mainly about elitism and snobbery, then, if I read your meaning correctly. :^) 
Lower ceiling = shorter speaker stands?
I don't think so... I think it would be more important to keep the relative positions of the drivers to your ears the same, regardless of the fact that the ceiling is lower. 
Need some advice on Stax sr-lambda earspeakers
Hi Ted,I never compared the Senheiser phones directly to the Stax, so I can't tell you how they compare. All I can say is that I really like the Stax and when I heard the Senheiser HD650s at the recent CES, I was fairly unimpressed -- I also heard...