
Responses from peter_s

Best speakers of the group? Your opinions please
I've heard the Avalon Eidolon and Eidolon Diamond, the Wilson Watt Puppy 7 (with Lamm 18w triodes) and the Talon Firebird. I really thought there was a significant difference b/t the Eidolon and the Eidolon Diamond, and the Diamond was my favorite... 
Making Your Own 2D Diffusors
Nsgarch - I'm not sure that the foam is meant to be absorptive due to open pores. RPG paints its diffusors, and I would imagine that this clogs up the pores. RPG does state that "the solid expanded polystyrene core of the skyline provides useful l... 
Best CDP w/ headphone jack for under $1,000
Dred is correct about the Jolida. The headphones are run through an op amp, not through the tube circuit. It's still a really great CDP, but for the best quality sound you'd need to buy an external headphone amp. 
Best CDP w/ headphone jack for under $1,000
Try the Jolida JD-100. You can get one used for around 600-700, it has a headphone jack, and you can add a headamp at any time with its two outputs. Buying one new, from the right source, isn't much more expensive. 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
Wow, given so many opinions it sounds like alot is left to personal taste or not alot of comparative listening. You may have to do the comparitive listening yourself, or go to the forum and see what the total headphone geeks say! 
Retrofit remote volume to integrated tube?
A few good options for adding a remote are available from You can use a DACT stepped attenuator with a motor provided by Bent Audio or you can use a motorized Alps pot. The first is about $400 whereas the second is about $100, and a... 
Great Zimbabe musician
Oh Yeah! I agree, and that is a great album too. I've long been a fan of Zimbabwe music, with bands like Thomas Mapfumo (an important originator of the more modern style and key person in the battle for liberation), the Boyoyo Boys, etc. But Olive... 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
I had the Sens 600 and sold them to buy the Sony/Berning combo. The Sony/Berning combo is quite good, very lively and dynamic. Later I heard the Sens with a Cardas cord and the Gilmore amp I mentioned and it was great too - more neutral than the S... 
BEL 1001 amps. Specs and ordering
I just want to say that I've head a Mk II and I was very impressed, in stereo, with the BEL cables. It was a simple system: Vandersteen 2a's and and Audible Illusions Modulus 2, but is sounded damn nice! 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
The Gilmore amps sound great with the Sennheisers: was very impressed. Like the combo more than with the Berning MicroZotl (which I have). See if you can read more on other forums. Also consider a cable u... 
Juicy Music Preamps
Can those of you who have bought them new tell about the breakin process? How did they sound out of the box? How long did they take to break in? Thanks, Peter 
Active Crossover Recommendations
By the way Jeff, what is the equation for calculating the capacitance for a passive crossover frequency based on the input impedence of the amp?Thanks, Peter 
Active Crossover Recommendations
Whoops - I guess I've been offline for a couple of days. Jeffreybehr - thanks for your suggestions. In about a month I'll have a preamp that has 2 sets of RCA outputs: 1 with caps that are selected to roll off at 80hz into my 100kohm Cary SLM70 mo... 
how far off the wall
Duke - I am currently researching diffusion options for some planar speakers I currently have 4' from the wall (Quad 988's). There are cheap diffusor options (Auralex), but the reasonably priced ones are either limited in depth (2-3 inches) or com... 
Avantgarde..... Still a contender???
I also think that Avantgarde has too much horn shout (for my tastes). Of all the horns I've heard, I've liket those made by Classic Audio Reproductions (Michigan) and also the Edgarhorns. There was one other horn made of wood (not the Zingali) tha...