
Responses from peter_s

who surprised and who disappointed
Haha Kublakhan - that's funny. But I agree with you. And there is a great streaming archive of live Grateful Dead concerts at: 3000 concerts to choose from - make sure you listen to the good ones! Ch... 
Good Y Cables?
You can also get many of those at Parts Express (google it... sorry). 
New Battery for Teres?
Chris Brady (Teres) recommends buying the following from Power-Sonic 12 Volt 12.0 Amp hour $25.95 
Insurance claim for shipping damage for Fedex
Hear Hear Bdgregory. Good advise about documentation, documentation, documentation. Get them involved each step of the way. Be respectful (it's probably refreshing for them!) 
Insurance claim for shipping damage for Fedex
I have had good success with insurance claims with Fedex. Twice they have paid for damage, twice for situations where there was even no visible box damage but the item had clearly been dropped. But be aware that their criteria for packing is that ... 
Window Treatments to Remove reflected sound
If you get curtains, err on the "too much fabric" side. The more folds the better.I have a related question. Anyone know how to treat "ringing" of large pane windows. I've got a 48"x56" double pane that rings, becomes excited at various voice freq... 
electrical outlets
I agree with Sugarbrie about Hubbel and P&S 8300 outlets. They grip real well, and they cost about $10 each. I got mine at an electrical supply store. If you call Stone Way Electric in Seattle, they would even UPS them to you. They would need ... 
Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP upgrade: worthwhile?
I am also interested in this question. The upgrade is $800. I haven't heard convincing feedback that the spider clamp matters. 
Need Mono Blend - Will This Work?
Thanks, that makes sense about the signal. I'm using a test record that says it has the two channels out of phase. I'll go back and make sure that's correct. 
Where should I start for computer audio??
USB out to USB/SPDIF converter (Hagtech, Empirical Audio) to the DAC of your choice: Benchmark, BelCanto. Or just use a USB DAC such as the Brick or Apogee, directly from your computer. Dedicate one of your Macs to audio, get yourself a big hard d... 
Best amp s for Quad 988 please?
Ed, I have tried ARC VT100ii's, Bruce Moore Stereo 70, Berning ZH270's, Cary SLM-100's, Quicksilver Triodes, EAR 509ii's, Odyssee Stratos Dual Mono, and Cary SLM-70 monoblocks modified to function in triode mode and with Jensen oil filled capacito... 
Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners
I have two LP pressings, not sure which ones they are as I'm currently away from home. But based on these two LP's, I would have to say that while Blue is a great work of artistry, it just isn't that well recorded. I hope that's not the case in re... 
Record LP's on to Laptop
While you could record directly to the sound card in your laptop, it is not recommended. The audio quality will not suffice. There are several good A/D converters that would plug in to your tape out and go right to your computer. One highly rated ... 
Weird Setup - Will it Work?
I spoke to Joe Abrams (Portal) and he confirmed that the Panache can easily drive 2 sets of speakers with the way it handles low impedence. She could put a Radio shack volume control in line to the kitchen speakers, keep it out of the Living Room ... 
Anyone going to CES/THE?
See you guys there! Looking forward to it. Make sure you where your inconspicuous Audiogon propellor hats so we can ID each other!