
Responses from peter_s

Suggestions for Feet
You can get sorbothane feet used for instrumentation at Edmunds Optical (related to Edmunds Scientific) for not much $$. 
Anyone else heard the Quicksilver Triode Amps?
For the Quads, I'm using a pair of Cary SLM70's modified to run in triode. Each use 4 EL34's. They seem to convey both the subleties and delicies of a recording while also providing liquid midrange (in what I'd call a good way). The system is not ... 
Anyone else heard the Quicksilver Triode Amps?
I have owned them for a while, but they weren't what I was looking for. I thought that the midrange, upper-midrange was a bit on the aggressive side. Not as smooth and sweet as I had hoped for. I listened to them with Proac 2.5's and Quad 988's, u... 
Tivoli Model 1 vs. Model 2
I got the model 2, and I also have a model 1. The model 2 is alot of fun to listen to. It actually images quite well, as do many pairs of single-driver speakers. I should add, however, that reception on the model 2 is nowhere as good as the model ... 
Harbeth Owners - What do you think?
Fit and finish is very good. The Audio Research 100.2 is a great amp, though I haven't heard it with the Harbeth's, I'd be very willing to give it a try. As for Harbeth dealers, contact the main man - Walter at Fidelus Audio (I think that's spelle... 
Harbeth Owners - What do you think?
I love my 7.2's as well. One of the best things I heard at CES two years ago, for the money, for sure. The midrange is quite realistic. I think they are slightly recessed in the "presence" region, but when you listen for a while, you just get draw... 
Agon Members at CES
Thank you Agon! You guys make the choice on the sticker, and we will all stop by and pick them up from you at the St. Tropez. I look forward to identifying and meeting my fellows in just over a week. Best, Peter S. 
Concrete or Wood floor in listening room?
I am also in the process of constructing a listening room, and am installing wood floor over slab. Out here in the Pacific Northwest, we like a moisture barrier over our slab, so this is what I am doing to install my floor.1) Clean slab and paint ... 
Wall Mounting Hardware for Acoustic Panels
Thanks Carl,Here is a link to the impailing clips, although I've been told they are probably available at Home Depot. many did you put up per panel? How big were your panels... 
Stereophile test CD2 In/Out of Phase test:question
In my experience I concur with Herman. You listen for the voice being between the speakers, not outside of the two speakers. 
The Magic of Brazilian Music
I second the Marisa Monte. Equally if not more so, I suggest the following self-titled CD which can be had on Amazon:Joao Gilberto [IMPORT]Original Release Date: February 6, 1991Label: Polygram Int'l Catalog: #837589 This one is just Joao, his gui... 
Jolida JD-100 and Headphones
I'll agree with FBI. I was really impressed with the Jolida's headphone driving capabilities. I asked Jolida whether the phones went thru the tube stage, and they don't. Just an OPAmp. But it does sound good (I sold my Corda headphone amp) and doe... 
Advice on integrated tube amps
It was my impression that the Dynaudios like alot of power. Has anyone actually used any of the tube amps mentioned above with the Dyns? If any, I'd be thinking Rogue, but I have no previous experience with the Dyns. 
I Need An Outboard Balance Control, Do They Exist
Maybe someone can speak on this - would it be possible to add a resistor to one channel to balance it out. If so, would the resistor have the same effect at all volume levels? 
Monitors and Integrated for $300-$500
The NAD should really be fine. I used it with a pair of Linn Tukans with good success. I actually liked them better than the spendor 3/5's.