
Responses from pedroeb

The smoothest amp you've heard?
50kHz and 100kHz along with a SuperTweeter to reproduce ultra sonic frequencies is certainly worth considering.Exactly how or why they would introduce phase shift down to 1/10th the cutoff frequency isn't revealed or explained.In any case, why j... 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
I don't get the point of the question. Are you suggesting a different recording method was used that gets away from the norm? Sure it's nothing like free form Jazz scales, but get down to the nitty gritty and they all start with the same basic... 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
What do audiophiles do in their cars?While I'm driving or parked?If it's when I'm parked, I'm not saying! 
Combining home theater with two channel
If you can get the stereo sound you want passing through your Marantz, then use identical amplification and the same brand of speakers for all channels. Certainly don't mix and match. The best test is to select stereo through all speakers. The l... 
How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?
“How much does power amplifier really matter comparing to other hi-fi components?”Lots and lots. Lots of variables to consider, particularly speaker sensitivity and listening levels. Generally speaking, you never want to get even close to maxi... 
If your down on your system…
Sadly I recall Uri Geller and his fake tricks. 
On ''what there is''
I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think. That, that exists, exists. That, that does not exist, does not exist. 
Who Were Your Mentors
It's hard to identify the influencers after a buck and dime, so the best mentor is yourself. 
"Power Cords-More Recent"
We could look at it scientifically. All the power cable needs to do is supply a constant voltage at a single frequency.The only possible benefit of using high end power cables is when shielding is employed to reduce EMI emanating close to equipmen... 
Speaker Recommendation up to 70k
I see Black Rhodium is promoting its Deep Cryogenically Treated Silver-Plated copper stranded Flamenco speaker cables. 3m pair terminated with rhodium plated locking plugs £12,000.00 - 8kg per pair. 
Help wanted spending money and improving my system.
I watched a video on NPS-1260 Three Dimensionality Enhancer and it was a decent sell but it lost me when power cables were also treated.I still wonder if in room treatment might be better.  
Help wanted spending money and improving my system.
Since Synergistic Research's High-Frequency Transducers have been mentioned, anyone care to share their experiences?There seems to be a decent explanation here: SYNERGISTIC RESEARCH HFT X.What if you've got a Home Theatre System with too many spea... 
Speaker impedance patterns - how to read them?
Here's an interesting view on Understanding Speaker Sensitivity.Higher sensitivity certainly makes life easier, but my main consideration is SQ and keeping well below limits so that peaks and fast attacks are handled with aplomb. The same goes wit... 
People always choose only the most popular brand of subs which are not really the best I'm wondering why they are not really the best, Is it due to one of these; better price, better advertising, better distribution, or simply a better product.... 
What angle should I set the VTA on my VPI turntable?
At best it is always going to be compromise as record lathe cutter head angles can vary between manufacturers, then there's record thickness and finally VTF can impact cantilever angle.