
Responses from pedroeb

If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
If it improves your hearing, you've got more dollars than cents (sic) and flaunting turns you on, then why not? 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Snake Oil is code for I don't understand and I have no intention of thinking it though. In other words...Wait, it should be I don't have the ability to think it through.Now that's better. 
100W+ solid-state amps known for beautiful mids
Hypex Ncore 400 monoblocks are hard to surpass. Just add a shielding wall between the amplifier and the power supply to get the best results. Keeping the operating temperature as low as possible is worth the effort and results in optimum perform... 
how is digital sound created?
Is there something fundamentally wrong with Famous Blue Raincoat? The writer has clearly been agitated by a homogenizer. 
"I have the best system in the world!" An Audiophile's Journey
"I have the best system in the world!" Utter nonsense.  
Dual SVS PB-1000 Pro versus Dual Rythmik LV12F- does Servo Technology Matter.
Anyone who preface's their post with due respect, is obviously going to show no respect and consequently doesn't deserve any respect.AVRs and serious music listening are entirely compatible, provided you know what you are doing. Setting up stereo ... 
Learning to Listen: Neurological Evidence
Exceptionally interesting and informative.As tvad mentioned, the brain is very adept at "filling in the gaps". Now that's something we don't want here.Perhaps the solution is as simple as closing the eyes so that everything else is shut out and to... 
If Power Cords Don't Matter...
Maybe you should explain how voltage is analogous to physical water pressure.Gravity and pumps create water pressure and it is held back by a valve. On the other hand electricity does not need to be held back as there is no "pressure". It does doe... 
surround processor?
From “A Fish Called Wanda:Otto West : Apes don't read philosophy. Wanda : Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it. Good quote, but totally irrelevant.When surrond processors are being discussed it is relevant to talk about setting them... 
surround processor?
Anyone not famillar with home theatre systems will likely not get timing. Home threatre processors have speaker distances. If you read the manual, the distance is so a delays can be incorporated so the sound from every speaker reaches the measurin... 
surround processor?
If you don't understand the logic in it, then you have my sincere sympathty. Don't make stupid assumptions based on ignorance, and don't be afraid to try it. You just might learn sonething and be surprised. 
surround processor?
Is it just me, or do others physically laugh out loud when when they read a comment by a narrow minded foolish biggot who makes rediculous assumptions regarding knowledge and experience to prove they must be superior?  
surround processor?
Subaudible background noise? Now that sounds like an ASR obsession, which is obsessively pedantic and has virtually nothing to do with sound quality.The sound from all channels must arrive with perfect timing. If not... Well I'm sure it doesn't ta... 
surround processor?
So what are the compromises multichannel processors make that undermine achieving that end?Surround processing is exceptionally suspectible to EMI and it is not all uncommon to see huge transformers so close they contaminate the process.The best s... 
surround processor?
buckhorn_cortez that seems like a terrific system. I just don't understand why all multi channel systems have been strangely lumped together and classified as crap. Persoanlly I believe they can be fantastic when setup correctly and it is indeed...