
Responses from pani

Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp- ANY and ALL FEEDBACK / HELP PLEASE
All said, it sounds like a no preamp much more than any other preamp I have heard. It is the closest to straight wire with gain and drive that I have heard. All that for less than $2k!I currently use this preamp with a $24k power amp and still fee... 
Low heat alternative to FIRSTWATT J2 ?
Any suggestion on J2 vs F6 ? I am considering buying one of them for my 93db Tannoys. I meant how do they compare in performance ? 
Low heat alternative to FIRSTWATT J2 ?
Any suggestion on J2 vs F6 ? I am considering buying one of them for my 93db Tannoys. 
Esoteric C03 preamp or Mark Levinson 326S preamp- ANY and ALL FEEDBACK / HELP PLEASE
@hk_fan, if you have not yet bought your preamp then I strongly recommend you check out the Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL 2.0 preamp with its linear PSU module. It is a David Berning design. I sold my $18k preamp after I tried it. There are many man... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@dodgealum very nice write-up. After I sold my ART-9, I am yet to find a reasonable priced cartridge that I could "safely" choose as an "upgrade". 
Cartridge options for current gain phonostages (47 Labs)
I am thinking of the Transfiguration Phoenix S cartridge to with the phonocube. Has anyone heard the Transfiguration ? 
Unison Research S6 vs S9 vs Sinfonia
Dave, have you compared the S6 with Preludio ? 
Decision time - Garrard 301 vs EMT938
Did you finally decide on your TT ?938 would be a more silent and clearer sounding TT whereas Garrard would be the more exciting sounding one. Unless you put something like an EMT TSD-15 SFL, Dynavector XX2 mk2 cartridge on the Garrard and have a ... 
Unison Research S6 vs S9 vs Sinfonia
I am worried that the bigger models like the Sinfonia and Performance have much higher level of negative feedback and that could take the magic away, that's the reason I wanted to know if anyone has heard preludio and the higher models. I listen t... 
So I replaced the original Garrard 401 mat with an EP
I have the transfi mat and it makes the sound thin and bright 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
So, I still stand with under $10k figure for the SP10-r 
New Technics SL 1200 GAE
The SMPS has to be thrown out, no doubt about that. A linear power supply mod from is the way to go.I am also on the fence to get a direct drive TT. I was considering the SP10 mk2 and Yamaha GT-2000. SP10 was favourable s... 
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
Now that we hav the retip question almost sorted, would you install an A-90 on a Jelco 750D tonearm ? 
What turntable and TONEARM brands sound best with the Denon DL103 and DL 103R? MC's
I generally like Ortofon carts. I don't have experience with SPU though. I wonder how far a modded 103r can go.  
What turntable and TONEARM brands sound best with the Denon DL103 and DL 103R? MC's
I dont have the ART-9 anymore. The DL-103r has been my reference from the day one. I use it as my fallback cartridge and also to judge the performance of other cartridges that come and go. In the stock form the 103r cannot be my main cartridge tho...