
Responses from pani

Tonearm rewiring
Get the tonearm wires from stereo-lux. Their finewire C37 cable is one of the best out there for tonearm wiring. The designer can supply you a direct continuous wire from the cartridge to phono or just a tonearm internal cable. Note that his cable... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
All said and done it is the only under $1k mainstream cartridge that sounds hi-rez and fulfils the criteria to be on a high end turntable. If one were to spend $3k and claim that ART-9 is not a solid contender I can understand, but within $2k (whi... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
After reading through this thread I was surprised to see that @pani was so fickle in dumping the Art 9 after being so enthusiasticI was not fickle. I used it for 2 years happily. The longest I have ever used any cartridge without further contemp... 
New idler for Garrard 401
Guys, is there any improvement in the areas of transparency and noise floor ? These are the 2 main areas where the Garrard falls short of many good BD and DD turntables.  
Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?
That’s true Thom 
Good Direct Drives
Got it @chakster Btw, I don’t believe that one needs a super duper tonearm to evaluate a turntable’s greatness. A rewired jelco or Rega 1000 with a quality cartridge and phonostage will clearly show if turntable is average, good or great. Whether ... 
Ana Mighty Sound 103.3
Do you play your Denon 103 at 57db gain ? 
Good Direct Drives
SME 30 sounds slow and dark to my ears. It is no secret. Many have commented it sound that way. It does all the good things of a suspended belt drive: fluid, holographic soundstage, low noise and high resolution but when it comes to preserving the... 
Good Direct Drives
I havent heard the SL1000r but to my ears the SP-10mk2 sounds better than SME Model 30. So, it really depends. 
Ana Mighty Sound 103.3
Thanks @audiofun  
Ana Mighty Sound 103.3
Thats very interesting @audiofun . I use a Ortofon Cadenza Blue which has an output of 0.5mv. Will that pose any noise issues with SPL Phonos ? 
Good Direct Drives
@chakster people who have heard the 1200G and the sp10 mk2 claim that 1200G is better. So I am not sure how you come to the opposite conclusion.  
Ana Mighty Sound 103.3
Thanks @audiofun , how does the SPL Phonos compare against other higher end phono stages like the Pass or your AMR ? 
Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?
By the way, I had a decent Naim CDP for sometime. While it did give some idea about the rest of the system’s voicing, the difference in dynamics, resolution and transparency that a quality analog rig (with a good phonostage) brings in even with a ... 
Lyra Delos A truth teller or what?
I recommend using your digital rig for this purpose. Digital has given us several gifts - rock solid "speed stability" along with the fact it's repeatable - no tracking force, VTA/SRA, and azimuth to doubt yourself over. While I get your point...