
Responses from pani

Jelco SA-750D or Rega RB250
Jelco 750D easily. You need to go 2 level higher in Rega chain to get the Jelco standard of sonics 
New Technics SL 1200 GAE
Atmasphere, how do you compare your own Empire based direct drive turntable offering against the Technics 1200 GAE ? 
Has anyone tried resistor loading the primary of a MC SUT ?
Ralph, whether it is only the phonostage that needs loading or also the cartridge is debatable. The general terminology is "cartridge loading". So adding resistors to primary should load and damp the cartridge.  
Your Nominations: Top Phono Stages under $1,000
Trilogy 906 phonostage is a superb phonostage. Heard it recently with a top spec Lp12 on a Wilson speaker. 
Yamaha GT 2000 vs new SL Need advice.
Is the new Technics SL1200G in the same league or better than the SP10 Mk2 ? Normally the GT-2000 is pitched against the SP10. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I wonder if there will be a sonic difference between 1. changing the MM input stage to 100k (by adding the 150k in parallel) so that the cartridge sees 250 ohms2. Keep the MM stage at 300k and add a resistor to the primary of the Step up so that t... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Lewm, your input regarding the effect of cartridge loading is very interesting especially considering I am currently running a very interesting phono stage by EMIA.This is an MM phono stage and a Slagle built SUT is being used for MC gain. The MM ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@wrxified, I also had a AT33/PTG for some time and that piqued my interest into AT line up but I did not find it to be the last word in detail, dynamics and resolution. I mean it could be my second cart instead of the DL-103r but not my first cart... 
Phono cable recommendations - high performance good value cable
I also use the ART-9 cartridge. Check out stereolux finewire c37 tonearm cable by Heiko Wingender. His tonearm cables is used by some tonearm manufacturers like Reed, Durand and Thomas Schick for the internal wiring of their tonearms. I have used ... 
AudioTechnica ART 9 users - break in, VTF/VTA and loading questions
VTF - 1.77 gramsVTA - just slightly tail up loading - 120 ohms to 150 ohms. 100 ohms sounded a bit too thick in my setup1000 ohms is super high, try a lower setting. I use jensen SUT with 1:12 step up into a 37db MM phonostage and the gain is great.  
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@tablejockey I do not want to derail the ART-9 train but it will be interesting to understand which turntables would be considered "Uber" from the ART-9 perspective ?Any good $5k turntable should be able to differentiate between a $1k ART9 and say... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@lewm are you planning to use an SUT with the ART7 ? 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@jollytinker many thanks for taking that effort even though many would have considered this to be a non-starter (looking at the price difference).I have not heard those highest grade ZYX carts. 4D is the highest ZYX I have heard it was one of the ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Having lived with the 9 for over a year now, I'm really wondering at what cost will a worthwhile improvement come at?That is the whole point. The ART9 is not the ultimate cart but it is at a level where you are surfing in the upper echelons of wha... 
Looking for suggestions on a used amp or new. $2000/ budget
Get the new Quad Elite QSP or QMP amps. They compete favourably with amps costing $20k+