
Responses from pani

Yamaha GT 2000 Turntable
Between Technics SP10 Mk2 and GT-2000, which one is more transparent and higher resolution ? 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I personally have had Van Den Hul Condor, Lyra Skala, Benz Micro Ebony TR and Miyabi standard/47 before the ART-9. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@jollytinker I agree that the ZYX carts especially Airy3 and above have a special 3D halo effect which is quite special. I dont find it studio neutral though. It will be interesting when you go back and forth between the ART-9 and ZYX. Please do p... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@sbank @oregonpapa I have absolutely no doubt about the rising top end of the Lyra and vdh cartridges. I have not heard the Atlas and Titan though. On the other hand the Dynavectors are smooth. Benz to my ears are "voiced" to sound comfortable. I ... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@j_damon thats a very nice system you have. I am sure the ART-9 will play very well. Keep us updated on how it breaks-in. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
That's great news @j_damon. Which turntable and tonearm do you use ? @avanti1960 please consider ARC phonostages too for the ART-9. I totally forgot about it.  
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@avanti1960 without knowing your budget I will just suggest the phono stages that I like a lot in the mid-budget range. 1. Naim Stageline (current model) with Hicap PSU2. Pro-ject phono box RS with its battery PSU3. Graham Slee Revelation4. Pliniu... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@lewm even I have not heard the JLTI phonostage. I think it is @chakster who has used it and recommended it along with MM carts. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Budget ? 
Recommended Preamp for Pass Labs XA30.8 and why
Pass xa30.8 is a robust and full sounding amp. It is not quickest though. I would suggest to get a preamp that is fast! Linear tube audio is a good option. So is CJ and ARC. Any preamp that slows down the proceedings a bit to favor tonal fullness ... 
EAR 912 impression
CJ preamps are also very good in terms of tone, timbre and dynamics. Moreover it has a proven record of sounding good with non-CJ amps.  
EAR 912 impression
I was considering EAR 912 very strongly too. The other competitor was Audio Note M5/M6. I had auditioned the M6 and loved it. But EAR 912 had a very good built in phonostage so it seemed to be a more attractive option. I finally got to audition it... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@avanti1960 I know that the ART-9 will sound more tonally saturated after some more breakin but still here are few things I would point out:1. Comparing MM and MC, in many cases MM can sound richer and smoother in frequency response. Apart from th... 
recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range
I am selling a Klyne System 7 preamp with in-built MC/MM phono here on Agon but it is 240v unit.You could also look at Plinius Koru or a used Pass XP-15. 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
I totally agree with @chakster and others who say that ART-9 cannot be for everyone. I also agree that expecting an equipment that sounds awful in the beginning to blow you away later is not an easy argument to buy.Without showering any more prais...