
Responses from pani

What turntable and TONEARM brands sound best with the Denon DL103 and DL 103R? MC's
I use a Gray Research 208 tonearm with the 103r. One needs to hear what this 60 year old tonearm does that the latest tonearms Dont.  
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
@lewm the A90 has a replicant 100 stylus. After it wears out could I not get it retipped with a micro ridge stylus by some retipping companies ? Am I going to lose sonically ? 
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
Lewm, the ART-9 did well for me for about 2 years. Just looking for something even better in terms of resolution and refinement. How would you describe the sonic difference between your MC 7500, windfeld and A90 ? 
Any new turntable brands we should pay attention to ?
Analogueworks turntables are very good. I just heard one. It is easy to fit it and forget it.  
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
They will price it $15k only if they want to make it a limited edition like the GAE.  
New Technics SL 1200 GAE
Ralph, have you compared the G and GAE ? Is there a clearly audible superiority in the GAE ?Secondly when you say that the tonearm is on the 1200 is superb, do you mean the one on the GAE or also the G (which has a inferior one) ? 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
In my guess SP10-R would be within $10kConsidering that they have already figured out the design for the GAE and sp10-R and both of them would share a lot, a big company like Technics would like to play the game of volumes rather than selling few ... 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
Thats a very expensive TT. Lets hope the upcoming SP10-R does it for a lower cost. 
New Technics SL 1200 GAE
So, is there any update on the Technics 1200 GAE vs the SP10 mk2 ?I am considering one of these TTs. Either I will get the 1200 G/GAE with the Time-Step mods (linear PSU) or the SP10 mk2 refurbished by Krebs or Albert Porter. Do we have a clarity ... 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
Albert says that his Technics' sound is closest to master tape dubs played on his Studer A810 of any turntable he has ever heard. If he is right, and I assume he almost certainly is, who needs Walker, TechDas, TW, Brinkmann etc ? It is also much l... 
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)
This is a problem area. Plinth is essentially a vibration management system and that is "the" most important aspect of a TT (even more than absolute speed stability). The most widely used method to build a plinth is to stack layers of birch ply or... 
Low noise, neutral, high current power cord for wall to power distributor
I do not suggest in any way the the AN isis is the best cord out there. It is just very suitable to this thread title "Low noise, neutral, high current power cord". It costs only $500 is something that grabs attention. Secondly it works equally we... 
Low noise, neutral, high current power cord for wall to power distributor
The thing is, an Audio Note isis power cord costs just about $500. It was rather laughable how acceptable and in someways it actually sounded compared to a $12k Ansuz Diamond power cord and clearly beat the $5k Ansuz ceramic power cord. It is a ve... 
Low noise, neutral, high current power cord for wall to power distributor
As an update, I tried some Ansuz ceramic, DCCA supreme eminence power cords. Both sounded clean but Neither of them sounded honest. Dcca was dark and rich, Ansuz airy and thin. But the power cord that gets it right is Audio Note ISIS. It is just a... 
Turntable and Rack vibration control
@anvil_turntables, would you allow a home demo ?