
Responses from pani

How good is the Obsidian plinth of Technics SP10 ?
Thanks @chakster .@raulrigas, what are your impressions of driving the SP10 in the naked mode ? Do you advise getting a good plinth ? 
How good is the Obsidian plinth of Technics SP10 ?
Has anyone tried using the Sp10 Mk2 naked (without plinth and directly on some footers) ?  What can be expected from such an arrangement ? 
Good carts with SME V
JSD75 is a medium compliance cart. Will work very well with SME V 
Good carts with SME V
EMT JSD75..Resolution like the top Lyras, energetic, fun and musical cartridge 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
I have not done it myself but I know couple of guys who have had the sp10r besides a sp10 Mk2/mk3. Their opinion was that the older sp10 models present music with more drive and momentum whereas the the new 10r is more about sophistication and res... 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
@tzh21y thats very good news. I hope to listen to this TT again some time. It is a TT that if you like, you won't change for a long long time.@downunder , yes I have the Audiospecials Phonolab 1.0 at my home for trial. I have been hunting for that... 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
Is this the same thread I started ?I have something very interesting to share.Has anyone heard the Audiospecials Phonolab 1.0 phonostage ? 
Phono stage inquiry
Phonostages with SUT for the MC gain are normally super silent (if grounding is taken care of). Active stages can have that mild hiss. 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
I mean average sounding cart! IMO it sounds like a $500-$700 cartridge. 
Dynavector cartridges, old and new
17D3 is an average cart. Things get interesting from XX2 Mk2 onwards. ART7 and ART9 are in the league of XX2 and higher IMO. 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
The Garrard would be more for fun and variety. Also it looks cool.Now, however, SME has announced the production a new Garrard 301 sometime next year... Now that is the news of the decade! If Garrards are back in production and that too with e... 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
2 things @lewm ,1. I have spoken to Berning directly on this subject. He clearly agrees that all SMPS has those switching distortions which manifests as a hint of glare, the HF region. After all music signal is basically riding on the pow... 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
Every PSU has its own distortions which come through in a TT too. That’s why a power cord change on a TT also results in a different sound. A SMPS has its switching distortions in Hf region. It also spews back the noise into ac line contaminating ... 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
Pani: Did you listen to your Technics 1200G before you had the Time-Step PSU installed? No, I did not. I bought it with Time Step PSU. What does the Time Step psu do to or for the performance of the 1200G? The 1200G comes with a SMPS by defau... 
Technics Sp10 Mk2 vs SL-1200G - I finally did an A/B
Pani, How are those Tannoy Turnberry speakers?  I often see them in stores, but I’ve never heard a pair in action.  They are popular in Japan, for sure. Lewm, anything for a Tannoy related discussion :-).These are the only items that has remain...