

Responses from ozzy62

Is There A Device For Home Use That Can Measure How Low The Bass In My Speakers Is?
Not sure if serious....... How about a test CD and an SPL meter?      
Clayton Shaw (Spatial Audio) visits Danny Richie (GR Research), with his X4 loudspeaker.
That was the fly in the ointment for me. Using a 12” driver to reproduce the crucial midrange. As much as I liked many aspects of the speaker, the midrange left me cold. It just never sounded convincing.  
Clayton Shaw (Spatial Audio) visits Danny Richie (GR Research), with his X4 loudspeaker.
I had the X3 for about a year. While it did some things very well, the bass was excellent, ultimately I moved on. I think it’s a great speaker and Clayton is a class act.   
Hattor Audio preamps?
I have exchanged several emails with Arek over the last two weeks. He is very responsive and I have no doubt the transaction will be seamless.      
Speaker/equipment placement
Maybe people move speakers into position for serious listening. Highly doubtful...  
Hattor Audio preamps?
Thanks for all the replies.  
Enleum AMP23-R buyer beware!
@keithr  Reading comprehension is your friend. The OP is not blaming them for not delivering but for not communicating. Supply chain issues are unavoidable. Not properly notifying your customers of delays, however, is and should be avoided.  
Sony announces three speakers
For listening that is not "critical", I have a Klipsch "The One" bluetooth speaker. It is surprising how good it can sound in the right room.      
Hattor Audio preamps?
My Don Sachs preamp had the Khozmo attenuator and it was really nice in it's operation.  
Hattor Audio preamps?
They certainly do look the part. If I buy, I will be ordering with the AMRG Trans resistors. It appears that you get a lot for your $$.      
Sony announces three speakers
Not sure how Sony portable bluetooth speakers made Audiogon, but hey, I guess audiophiles go poolside just like everyone else …. Look at the 10 discussions the OP has started since February. That will tell you all you need to know.      
Horn speakers are really bright?
@realworldaudio  Good post and I agree with all of it!  
Volume Control Too Sensitive
Instead of using a band aid approach, why not replace either the amps or the preamp with something suitable to whatever is left? 15v of output on the Bryston (30 in balanced mode) and 29 db of gain in the Classe amps obviously is not a good match... 
Which device to use as the pre-amp
What benefit do you hope to achieve with both of these in the signal chain? Seems counterproductive to good sound if you ask me.    
Was my friend given misinformation.
The real shame is that he was duped into buying an AVR. These have no place in a serious audio system.