

Responses from ozzy62

4 speakers in a large room
i have 4 bose 901 series 2 hanging in my little living room! i have a mcintosh mc602 powering them! i have the speakers connected in 'parellel' so it goe's down to 4 ohms! no problem with my mcintosh!!   The 70s called. They want their living r... 
Devore / Bay Area
I think you guys misunderstood. @eric5kim is not the bad guy here. He is just trying to alert forum members to his experience with the dealer in question.  
The new LSA Signature 50 Monitor "Disruptive Product"
86 db sensitivity…..I’m out….  
Hattor Audio preamps?
I placed my order today with Arek for his "big" preamp with the AMRT resistors. He says it should ship next week. Stay tuned.      
Tekton Double Impacts
If you want forgiving, look at Vandersteen or Harbeth.      
HT & Stereo System Fuel Shortage Coming According to Grid Operators
And get short shrift, as gun toting...... You say that as if it's a bad thing.  
Full range speaker recommendation
You should be able to post pictures directly from your device, NOT using a hosting site. People used picture hosting sites 20 years ago.  
VTL information
Speak to Bea at your own peril. You have been warned…  
Line Array VS Traditional Box Speakers, Why not just get the line array ?
Don’t confuse sound reinforcement with sound reproduction. Two different animals.  
Best color s to paint dedicated listening room
The timing of this thread is hilarious, because by coincidence my ex-girlfriend is in the process of painting my listening room while I'm away at work this week. We've been talking about what I want to do to this room for some time. She has a go... 
HT & Stereo System Fuel Shortage Coming According to Grid Operators
Free indeed. Someone is paying for it, even if it ain't YOU........  
The review wehave been promising is up
@cleeds  I never said he doesn't belong here. But his idea of forum etiquette for dealers is a bit dicey....  
HT & Stereo System Fuel Shortage Coming According to Grid Operators
The review wehave been promising is up
@cleeds  In my opinion the difference is that dealers/manufacturers like Duke, Verdant, and Atmasphere seem to be objective and don't always push their products on members. They offer genuine assistance, even if it means steering you down a diffe... 
Politics and Music
I'd prefer not have a performer's politics take front and center. This is all too common these days. But I won't stop listening to Joni or Neil because we part ways politically. I don't care for Bruce Springsteens politics either, but I wasn't a b...