
Responses from o_holter

Listening without interpretation...is it impossible?
Although we cannot fully escape from our preconceptions, we can become more aware of them, and be surprised when things dont work like expected. These unexpected surprises are often the most interesting.  
Desktop single-driver speakers?
I have no interest in this, except as an audiophile - but if you want pure desktop sound, the Arche FR2 speakers are excellent. You will need a sub, but even a low-price Fostex Submini2 does fine. The speakers are "bright", cutting off at 100 hz, ... 
Desktop single-driver speakers?
I compared to my wife’s Elac AM50 active desktop speakers, borrowing them to my own desktop. Conclusion: The Arche one-way FR2 speakers with a properly tuned sub (like a Fostex Submini2) are clearly superior in most respects. Especially, they soun... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
Fostex PM Submini2 arrived today - very interesting - seems to cure most of the problems with the FR2. Now I get upper bass and deeper middle tone OK. Without much smear or detriment to the FR2. Remains to be seen, how well it can be integrated. F... 
Desktop single-driver speakers?
The Arche FR2 speakers now have some more playing time, and sound better, more mellow, less congested than in the beginning. At their best, they sound remarkably clear and coherent - just like I wanted, from single driver speakers. With suitable m... 
Desktop single-driver speakers?
I took one of the FR2 speakers down to my main listening/living room, connecting it to my Atma-sphere MA1 amp. No surprise - according to reviews - with a better amp, this speaker sounds even better. At first I was amazed, Here was this tiny speak... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
John at Arche will send me a new transformer for the power supply, to get rid of the hum problem. I changed the DAC from Fiio X3ii to Steinberg UR22, resulting in a bit more smooth sound, with slightly more deep tone, when streaming pcm from Qobu... 
Desktop single-driver speakers?
I am in the period of break-in of the Arche FR2 speakers - very interesting, but too early to offer judgement. A possible problem with the Audience as well as the Arche is that they are actually "overperforming". Or, put another way, they sound go... 
RIP oregonpapa
Sorry to hear this. He was a resource for the forum.  
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
I bought the FR2 speakers, amp and power supply as a package. So the amp is Arche Audio Opus D50A.  
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
Update - my Arche linear power supply to the amp - in a separate box - has a bit of hum, and it persists even if I place the supply below the desktop. The hum is from the box itself, not from the speakers (only if I turn speaker volume way up). Ma... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
Regarding the gap between the low range of the speakers (on paper, 100hz) and the high point of a sub (no higher than 80, or maybe 70) - is there an easy way to measure this? I could use the REW program, or Audacity, I think, but I am looking for ... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
Raised almost to ear height with 19 cm alu stands, plus more break-in, the Arche system now sounds better. Very clear and detailed. If you need to know, which of your streaming albums should you invest in, on vinyl, this system offers good orient... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
The Gallo Tr2 (also Tr1) is an interesting suggestion , thanks. A sub should not go high - agree with Atmasphere - just up to 80hz, or if possible, even lower. The lower, the less problems with integrating with the main speakers. I am not sure, ... 
Sub for single-driver desktop speakers
Thanks all for interesting suggestions. Especially to @atmasphere – maybe I hear some Doppler effect, yes. At least, so far, these small speakers sound much better with well-recorded ‘sparse’ music than with high dynamic multi-instrument rock. Lik...