

Responses from noromance

Jelco SA-750D or Rega RB250
Don’t be too worried about the Jelco collar comment. While I agree it is a good idea, it is not necessary. I run a Decca cartridge in mine and there are no tracking issues.  
Tannoy Prestige made in China?
Ha! Some spot-on comments. I wasn't trying to disparage China-made products at all. I was more surprised that long established manufacturers making large, unwieldy and upscale loudspeakers were doing so in China and not the garden sheds of yore. 
Jelco SA-750D or Rega RB250
Jelco 750 easily. 
I would like to get into Turntables but ......... HELP!
I've had friends ask the same question so I used to go on for ages about all the options only to discover their budget is $79. So, what do you want to spend? 
USB wall outlets a source of noise in AC lines?
I can hear when dimmer switched lights are on. I have dedicated mains runs from the breakers. If you can, try reduce all pollution. I’d get rid if them. 
Does mounting a speaker to the front or back of the baffle affect the sound or dispersion?
Why not recess the drivers into the baffle so they're flush? Use 1" ply. 
Skin Orgasms caused by music .
Duh. That's why we do it! 
My Thorens TD 320 upgrades
Interesting that you took the damped route especially the feet. I've always been of the tight and pointy school rather than soft and squishy when it comes to turntables. Nevertheless, sounds like you've made a great sonic return on your investment. 
My Thorens TD 320 upgrades
Nice write-up. I had a TD318 back in the day. While a step up from my 70s Technics, I can't say I liked it that much. A bit too dark and muddy for my taste.  
Next step up from the Dynavector 20x2 for more bass?
6moons review said bass was lean. You could try adjusting VTA and weight. Seems to prefer lower loading at 30R. 
Next step up from the Dynavector 20x2 for more bass?
My intuition tells me that the turntable and arm may be the weak link. EDIT: I was looking at your Systemdeck ll but realize you’ve an RP8. Carry on! You should have got the ART9. 
8K for a one-time listen?
Billionaires gotta spend it on something. 
Opinions on Marantz tt42p ?
The reason you play records 5 times a year is because you have a turntable like this. (Kidding) 
My Rega RP6, Exact combo may be going back due to hum.
This can’t be about doing the (nice) dealer any favors and settling for second best. YOU have to live with what you buy for a long time. Seek a new dealer. The PLX1000 and the GEM Polytable/Jelco750 are solid options. PS Rega cartridges are bad news. 
Your Nominations: Top Phono Stages under $1,000
Lockheed called. They want their name back.