
Responses from newbee

Telarc recording quality
Generally I've found the quality of Telarc recordings quite good. They finally quit using that bass drum! The performances were not necessarily as good. However recently I have purchased some of their new classical disc's which came out in both SA... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
Rooze, I'll have to admit that I have never worked with a room this size, let alone a room of this size with panel speakers. For what its worth I would opt for the best positioning for resolution and soundstage and supplement the bottom end with a... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
Have I missed something? I looked at your calculations and on the surface C sounds best but for what purpose I don't know. Your speakers could be placed in the center of the room immediatly adjacent to each other and actually sound (in audiophile ... 
Speaker placement - need some help
My first reaction is that your system isn't properly triangulated. I would probably have the speakers out further into the room, say 4&1/2 feet, and the listening position about where you have it give or take 1/2 ft I would think that the spea... 
Small size tube amps...any recommendations??
Mesa made an integrated amp called the Tigris which used EL84's and EAR made an excellent amp using just small signal tubes, quite a few of them - can't recall which type. Both got good reviews. Marco is right about finding a good EL34 based amp. 
Naxos CDs with Great Sound
Great Chopin and Brahms piano music by Idel Biret, 1st rank performances by a very talented, but relatively unknown artist. She also plays transcriptions of Berlioz Sym F. and Stravinsky's Firebird and some Rachmaninoff. Excellent at any price. An... 
Next worthwhile step from an MMF7
Well, FWIW, I'm thinking Nottingham. I'm tired of dicking around tuning up my suspended tables, and I like the design principles of the Nottingham line, especially the Spacedeck. I just haven't figured out what type of arm to use. Pricewise they a... 
Exceptional Recording of Carmina Burana
I would recommend that you consider (if you haven't already) Ozawa's performance on RCA, Shaw's performance on Telarc, or Blomstedt's (which won a Grammy). 
classical in europe
Rbtwsp55, Yes, and it has been so for a long time, both as to labels and some individual releases. 
To Biwire or not to biwire
I've never heard a difference biwiring unless I used dis-similar cables to act as a poor man's tone control, which works by the way, at least until you can afford to by a proper matching amp for your speakers. 
Can speakers be too good?
Its not that speakers can be "too good" its just that top end speakers are so revealing that you will hear all of the problems in your electronic's which you have never noticed before. Then you start buying new electronics to match your speakers. ... 
Stuck in a Rut
If you love Jazz and Classical and you are bored I don't know how to help you - each of these fields is so vast, that I'm tempted to conclude that your "being in a rut" is the result of a habit of listening superficially to the obvious and making ... 
Panel placement for rear wall reflection problem
Tough room - trial and error rules. The first thing you want to do is to try to deaden the first relection points as much as possible.I agree re the kitchen area being a major problem. Is there any way you can put something behind the sweet seat t... 
Electrical question re dedicated line
Your set up is essentially what I set up in my music room, except that I have only two outlets in one junction box, but its all hooked into my main panel w/seperate circuit breaker. It works just fine that way for me. YMMV. By the way are you runn... 
Panel placement for rear wall reflection problem
Jb3, Trial & error is the only way to go, but many folks here, including myself, have a lot of pratical experience dealing with room acoustic's, but other than answer your specific question, its tough to help without further information about ...