
Responses from newbee

Tube Change for Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 and Power 1
In new production tubes, I have found that the JJ's, NOS Tesla's, and EI's all work very well with Sonic Frontiers amps. The are not as sterile as the Sovteks by some margin. 
What are your most favorite violin concerti?
In addition to Beethoven, Brahms, Sibelius, Mendelsohn and occasionally Tchaikovski, I can enjoy Bruch, Dvorak(!), Barber, Prokofiev, and Mozart. Dvorak gets more play time as I'm rather fond of Czech music. 
I just hafta share this moment...
Slappy, you are to be envied. When I'm "done with a night of drinking" my old favorites seem to be the crapper and the asprin bottle, if I can find either! :-) 
Good looking tube amp suggestions
Sonic Frontiers SFS 40 or 80 might just do the job. Both come up for less than $1000, look retro, and have good bass and a warm tonal balance. Both are easy to use and maintain. 
I need more cowbell....
Sounds like your happy with your speakers. Find a tube amp w/balls (bass) that can drive the Thiels and you might get something more musical out of them. I've always found Thiels sort of sterile w/ss amps, even vintage Thresholds, but they do need... 
I Hardly Listen to Music Anymore
Well, old dogs can learn new tricks, so long as its not walking tight ropes! Much can be gained by letting the music in on a more subsconscious level. Much of the music I hear I hear in conjunction with other activities - some time it diverts me, ... 
How much does your system retail for?
Doug, No offense intended! :-) I started with Sansui seperates when Sansui was on its way out (not the good earlier stuff), a Phillips 212 TT, and some white van (so to speak) speakers. Small wonder I got the upgrade bug. 
Is my DAC fried,cooked or what,help
Sounds like the tubes are shot to me - I've had similar experiences. I would just buy 4 new production tubes such as EI's, EH's or JJ's at a nominal expense and try them. If that solves your problem you can experiment with the high priced stuff la... 
How much does your system retail for?
As my records and CD's cost well over $80,000 (MSRP) - I just didn't have any money left over for audio stuff, so I bought me some Bose and an old Sansui receiver - I'm in hog heaven! :-) 
Please help with choosing speakers
How big is your room? What are the dimensions. Do you have some particular set up problems? Do your Thiels sound exactly as you would expect your new speakers to sound or are you looking for sonic improvements/changes? How much bass are you willin... 
You may be able to put small dynamic speakers against the side walls if you toe them in enuf or against the back wall if you can place them on the long wall with your chair against the opposite wall. Electrostats can be placed fairly close to the ... 
Impedance Question: Tube Preamp with SS Power Amp
Answers by the number -1) No its not an absolute rule is just a general guide 2) Rolloff of the highs and lows - probably some softing of the bass impact3) I can see no reason why these shouldn't work in theory, but most folks would really want mo... 
watts per channel when biamping
Yep - at a minimum you have to match the levels of the two amps output. Note in the amps spec's the input sensitivity level - if they are different, as is usually the case, you will be, in effect, creating an imbalance between the highs and lows i... 
going to tubes, just one question..
Spearker impedence (as indicated by posts above) is very important, not only nominal impedence but minimum impedence, as well as a fairly flat impedence curve. The output impedence of the amp is also important as well and should be as low as possi... 
Stillpoints or Audio Points, has anyone compared
I can't answer your question, and I doubt that most others can either, thou many will try. Whether audio points are effective or not, let alone which ones, is very component dependent. What works fron a TT doesn't necessarily work for a pre amp. W...