
Responses from newbee

cones or amp stand-???
Hi Stehno, You are right re closed minded - it never dawned on me that you had started up your own company. Nice looking stuff you've got there. Far more intriguing to the eyes. :-)By the way, I'm just an old country boy as well. Grew up on a chic... 
What do tube and music have in comon?
As with Rushton everything I have comes with tubes. 75% classical orchestral, small groups, and vocal, and 25% jazz instrumental and vocal. My bigget priority is getting the system set up to reproduce the range from 200 hz to 3000 hz as smoothly a... 
speaker connections?
Spades usually are best as they provide for a more secure connection (You are less likely to have one cable pop off, touch the other cable, and short out) and there is less potential for corrosion. Bananas are great for convienience. As long as th... 
Powercord to tame brightness and add musicality
Warren, Since when is there an H in any of you opinions? :-) 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
TWL, Nice spec's. Shows you where I haven't visited (on the net) in a while. What is the minimum and the maximum impedence? Hell, you might even get me interested. 
Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?
Onhwy61, ROTFLMAO! Nice parody. I find it interesting that with the great bass these speakers can produce no one publishes any spec's to support that claim. Certainly someone should know what the -3db point is for the bass. Maybe The Audiotweak sh... 
cones or amp stand-???
Stehno, with all due respect, your post sounds like nothing less than a recitation of all of the advertising and promotion by Starsound for their products. When it can be demonstrated that any vibrations that will drain from an amp thru any kind o... 
Butler amps?
Pal, I see you're getting some Starsound speakers. Before I started to consider getting a tube amp I think I'd inquire about the speakers efficiency, its nominal impedence, and its minimum impedence all of which are very important in selecting a g... 
cones or amp stand-???
I don't know whether you have tube amps or SS but I can think of no real benefit of coupling any amp to a concrete floor, nor do I see any downside from doing so. BUT, I would get the amp off the carpet to increase air circulation, using any kind ... 
Tube rolling on PrimaLuna P2
Plinko, Short version - I ended up using some NOS short grey plate EI's I had on hand in combination with some Svetlana's of which I have a "lifetime supply" (so it seems). Very full and dynamic yet retaining smoothness and clean clear mids and hi... 
Microphonic Amps?
Well, you'll get no answer to your question that everyone will agree on. For small tubes in my amps I have found it easiest, and most effective, to buy tested low noise tubes in the first place on which I place those inexpensive rubber damping rin... 
Powercord to tame brightness and add musicality
I totally agree with Tvad and Warren. IMHO PC should not change the tonal balance of your components, nor should IC's or speaker cable. If they do its because they are not neutral (tonally) and are actually degrading the signal. They may superfici... 
What's The Best Blooming Tube Amp?
You want rich, warm, lots of bloom, good bass? Try the Primaluna Prologue 1 or 2. Tonally it's a delight - very easy to listen to and at a great price. Lots of tube magic as you call it and very responsive to tube rolling. It ain't perfect by some... 
Tube rolling on PrimaLuna P2
Not exactly on point but....I have the Prologue One and have played with tube rolling for three months. The bottom line....the stock tubes were excellent and the replacement tubes I ended up using were not that much better sonically than the origi... 
preamp inputs labels
Agree with Swampwalker except a few pre-amps have an imput which is designed to alter the digital signal and should not be used for a different component. These pre-amps are rare - but I believe Bob Carvers had one, and perhaps there are a few oth...