
Responses from newbee

Are matched tubes necessary
Technically you do not 'need' matched tubes but as a pratical matter there is little down side as most dealers sell new production tubes matched. If you want to match tubes for your amp, a matched quad for each side is optimum. You just don't need... 
Usher 6371 or 6381? Coffee table blocks woofer?
If the frequency range of the 6381 extends above, say 200hz, it 'could' effect the soundstage, however most of the soundstaging issues are dependant on good mid-range and high frequency reproduction as heard in the sweet spot. Its the high frequen... 
6550 vs. KT88: What's different about the sound?
Pescolar, What I meant by matching had little to do with brand matching. I was referring to matching the sonic's of each type to produce an end result which you find pleasing. It may be fortune or just some of my prejudices, but I have no amps whe... 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
Evita, I would agree that we're only speaking in theoretical absolutes, and would also say that the question itself begs an intelligent answer, but what the hell, its a slow day! :-)"...fulfillment upon the design, musicality, or some combination ... 
Shielded or Unshielded power cords
Personally I'd enjoy hearing a demonstration which revealed that shielding on PC's resulted in a darker sound with less dynamic's. What I suspect occurs, if anything, is the shielded cable might just reduce RFI which could be picked up by unshield... 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
I would opt for someone well schooled in electronics and its application to audio, who just happens to have 'good ears'. IMHO musicians rarely have clue about what makes an audio system sound good to an audiophile, they are much more interested in... 
Do all tubes char inside when they die?
Nsgarch, re your last sentence about the unlikelyhood of catastrophical failure in a well used/tested tube being unlikely. I guess I've been unlucky as this has not been my experience on several occsions. But in all other respects I agree it could... 
power cord too short? what now?
Metro04, FWIW I'm severely challenged when it comes to figuring out how long a PC should be. If one assumes that adding a particular PC improves the sound, say a six ft length, would a nine foot length sound better, or worse. Why? How about a 12 f... 
6550 vs. KT88: What's different about the sound?
Jrome, I use SED (the original Svetlana not the new ones made by Sovtek?) KT88's and 6550C's in several different amps. Each tube type sounds better in the amps that were designed for them in the first place. When I put the KT88 in an amp that was... 
The Single Piece That Started Today's HIGH END ?
How do you define 'today's high end'. If your definition is based on the beginning of major emphasis on 3D imaging then I would have to nominate the ARC SP10II in the early 80's and the CJ Primere 3 as well although sonically it was not as balance... 
power cord too short? what now?
Personally I can't see much difference between plugging the PC into an ordinary outlet and plugging it into a heavy guage extension cord. I'd sure try that before I spent my hard earned money on a longer audiophile PC. 
Newbie..TT question
Have you fiddled with the VTA yet. Improper VTA could cause thinness/brightness. 
Next on the list for Mahler....
Tennstadt on EMI in the 5th would be a good next step. Many consider this to be Mahlers' greatest (I don't) but its certainly easy to make a connection with it. I have also enjoyed the 7th by Levine on RCA. This Symphony is way different than the ... 
Tube Suggestions Onix SP3
If your amp can take 6L6GC's the SED model is excellent sonically and its rugged as well. If you must have 5881's on a budget the Sovtek's are OK. 
Noobie question ...
Zaikesman, Nice post and for the most part I agree. The last pre-amp I had with tone controls was an Apt Holman made in the late 70's - nice pre amp for the times. It had bass, mid-range, and treble controls which were very well implemented. The m...