
Responses from newbee

Tube Suggestions Onix SP3
Power tubes usually do require break-in. I've frequently found that the top smooths out and the bass developes after 24 to 100 hours of operation, BUT.....Proper biasing is manditory and the bias setting for the 6L6's would be quite different than... 
Jolida JD100 noise issues
Well, I'm willing to take a guess - just from your description, I'm not a techie - the analog output section is muted while the disc is being read to prevent signals caused in the reading process to be transmitted to your preamp. That is what happ... 
Jolida JD100 noise issues
Hearing a little tube hiss when you are standing with your ear next to the tweeter with the volume wide open is not unusual for most all tube electronics. What would disturbe me a bit would be if you could hear the hiss at normal listening levels ... 
Looking for a Little Help...
FWIW, in addition to the suggestions above,I would suggest that you explore some very good quality and inexpensive speaker cable and then you have, at least, estblished a benchmark for auditioning better/more expensive stuff later on. Lacking know... 
Is anyone willing to entertain the idea
Twl, I don't think the 'answer' is all that obvious. For example I would never tell you you didn't hear something you said you heard, but I wouldn't hesitate for a second to tell you that under similar circumstances I did not hear the same result ... 
Phase Inversion in Preamplifer?
FWIW Jmcgrogan2 is absolutely on point. Most sources that you will attach to your pre-amp won't have "inverted phase". Probably the description arrises out of the fact that tube phono preamps often do invert phase, especially the little one tube c... 
Transformer Hum
Transformer hum is usually heard at the transformer. Hum that you hear thru speakers is frequently caused by grounding issues, RFI, and quite often something as simple as cable (mis)routing. I had it happen to me once by passing an IC next to a li... 
What is under your TT, cheap islolation?
The bouncing is the result of vertical displacement from the movement of the floor. This will occur without regard to the type of isolation you use so long as the TT is supported on your floor unless your floor is braced to avoid flexing. Suspende... 
power cord too short? what now?
Gregadd, Its not hard for me to tell others how to spend their hard earned money. If you follow my posts/threads you will note that I am consistent in giving advise to others regarding spending their hard earned money (as I did your's). "Try it an... 
Cables, Cables
I can easily believe that inexpensive cable can outperform expensive cable. For example, I bought some expensive well known flat cable with spaced wires and put it work replacing some much less expensive, much more ordinary twisted 14 guage audiop... 
Cables, Cables
Lots of stuff going on with cables that can cause a noticible difference depending on cable construction, length, guage, etc as well as how an individual cable interfaces electrically with the amp and speaker. No easy answer to your question, unle... 
power cord too short? what now?
Gregadd, From the tenor of your post it appears that some of our 'objectivist' comments may have offended your 'subjectivist' sensitivities. Frankly I'm surprised that a person with your experience would have expected otherwise in this forum. But ... 
Usher 6371 or 6381? Coffee table blocks woofer?
"Is that bad for their performance?"Usually yes. In this location you will most often get boomy bass and a very flat sound stage effect. If you must put speakers very close to a rear wall I would suggest that you consider smaller monitor types whi... 
Usher 6371 or 6381? Coffee table blocks woofer?
Toysnob, Relax, he's kidding. He's been to to many concerts and now he losing more than his hearing. 
power cord too short? what now?
Metro04, in case you haven't figured it out I happen to agree with you. I've tried out different cables to contrast to the heavy guage Belden which I typically use and on those few occasions when I thought I heard a difference I did not hear a cor...